Season ticket campaign, Benevento is preparing for the launch: prices in line with those of last season

Season ticket campaign, Benevento is preparing for the launch: prices in line with those of last season
Season ticket campaign, Benevento is preparing for the launch: prices in line with those of last season

Almost everything is ready: time to define the final details, then the Benevento will be able to officially launch the season ticket campaign for the 2024/25 season which, as anticipated here, will start at the beginning of July.

Once the claim that will accompany the subscription race has been chosen, the pricing policy has also been defined and will be substantially in line with that already adopted last season and which will be aimed at preserving that heritage of support and that symbiotic relationship recreated between the team and the Samnite people which is the legacy left as a gift from the past season. Twelve months ago, 110 euros were needed for the seasonal pass for the Curva Sud and Curva Nord, 150 euros for the Distinti, 180 euros for the lower grandstand and the upper uncovered grandstand, 220 euros for the covered upper grandstand, 540 euros for the central grandstand, but special discounts were also provided for residents of the province, under 18s, women and over 65s, as well as a promotion reserved for families.

In short, there is very little time left for the start of the season ticket campaign which will start in the first days of July (probably as early as Monday 1st July) with the pre-emption phase reserved for the over 3,700 fans who decided to sign up for the season card last summer and who would like to confirm the place occupied at ‘Vigorito’. Benevento aims to do better than a year ago: an objective within reach, given the newfound desire for Strega which could lead to breaking through the four thousand season ticket mark. In all likelihood, the subscription campaign will not have an expiration at the moment: the pre-emption phase will have a defined duration, while the free sale will end the day before the first home match of Auteri’s Benevento. Something that will only be made known when the calendar for the next championship is revealed: a path that is unlikely to be known before mid-July.

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