Sport and disability: renewed agreement between Cip and the University of Bergamo to spread parilympic sport and promote inclusion

Sport and disability: renewed agreement between Cip and the University of Bergamo to spread parilympic sport and promote inclusion
Sport and disability: renewed agreement between Cip and the University of Bergamo to spread parilympic sport and promote inclusion
Photo University of Bergamo/SIR

The renewal of the agreement between the CIP and the University of Bergamo was signed in Rome, at the headquarters of the Italian Paralympic Committee, in the presence of the president of the CIP Luca Pancalli, the rector of the University of Bergamo Sergio Cavalieri, the president of Cus Bergamo Claudio Bertoletti and of the rector’s delegate for sports activities and relations with Cus Francesco Lo Monaco.
“A fruitful meeting – we read in a note -, aimed at realizing, starting from the next academic year, an implementation project aimed at systematizing the various activities undertaken by the University in the field of inclusion but also at involving the entire population university”. By virtue of this agreement, students with disabilities “will be able to be more easily introduced to the practice of a sporting discipline while those without disabilities will be able to play the role of tutor, all in order to achieve a concept of full integration” . Thanks also to the involvement of the Cus, the parties involved hope to build a good practice that can also be replicated in other universities, in order to virtuously contaminate the university environment and allow young people to learn about issues related to the world of disability.
“With the renewal of the agreement between Cip and UniBg we want to further raise the bar of expectations, so that universities can increasingly become places of discussion, growth and inclusion as well as spaces for the promotion of sport among people with disabilities and the training of tutors and professional figures of the highest level. Sport, essentially, can represent that pedagogical and training tool capable of accompanying a young person in the phase of personal growth”, declares Pancalli. Cavalieri explains: “At UniBg we not only believe in the importance of inclusion, but also in the university as a place in which to live enriching experiences from an educational and personal point of view; experiences that are made possible precisely thanks to attendance at academic activities, including sports activities promoted by Cus Bergamo”. “We firmly believe – concludes Bertoletti – that sport can be a powerful tool for inclusion and social cohesion”.

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