Pro Patria, new head of the youth team: the Cerrone era is in the final credits, in his place a former Inter

Air of change, air of renewal. The one that pulls Pro Patrianow ready to say goodbye Salvatore Cerrone after two years at the helm of the biancazzurri youth sector. A important route that of the former Inter youth coach, a path that yes will interrupt officially next June 30th. The casting for his replacement is concluded, even if it is not yet certified in black and white: the new number one of the nursery, in all probability, will be a young profile but with already several experiences behind him as a manager. He has 28 years and he too, like Cerrone, has a past inInter.


Name and surname, Giovanni Giovanditti. Born in Samarate in 1996, he already boasts a very respectable curriculum despite his very young age: he directed the Ciserano section of the nursery of the Virtus Ciserano Bergamohe was the sports director of Verbano in Excellence and recently – thanks to his qualification as a Professional Observer – he has dealt with the professional scouting area. His arrival at Pro Patria is now practically complete defined in all its forms: and it would be a return, given that Giovanditti wore the Tigrotti shirt in the Allievi (2011-2012) and in the Berretti (2014-2015). Born and raised as a young man talent in the Youth Sector ofInterhe also wore the Chievo shirts, How and Pro Vercelli before retiring from playing football in 2020 after having played in the Virtus Ciserano Bergamowhere he then began his career from manager. Giovanditti would therefore have won the run-off with Beppe Scandroglioinitially the number one suspect for Cerrone’s replacement after his exit from Castellanzese. Where instead Salvatore Cerrone could return, but the use of the conditional in this case remains a must.


After the choice of the new Manager, they will come in cascade defined all the benches in the nursery. Starting with that of Spring 3with Giuliano Gentilini which has already officially closed its cycle (very positive, with the peak of promotion from Primavera 4 last season). The former technician of HowInter Academy and Novara he is awaited by a new challenge, in Eccellenza: he will in fact be the next coach of the Milanese. Gentilini greets the club after a four-year period started in Under 16 and ended with three seasons at the helm of the Primavera. Generally confirmed, but even here with the “changing of the guard” there are no certainties, the other technicians: Meduri (Under 17), Kyeremateng (Under 16) e Hay (Under 15) should be part of the technical framework also next season. Far future from Busto Arsizio instead for Sarpahis last season at the helm of the Under 14s.

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