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Differentiated autonomy, now comes the best part: how will Basilicata fare?

Differentiated autonomy, now comes the best part: how will Basilicata fare?
Differentiated autonomy, now comes the best part: how will Basilicata fare?

I am certainly not part of what Flaiano called “intelligent minorities”. All those who have worked hard to create the conditions for differentiated autonomy are certainly part of it. I am talking about Amato, D’Alema, Draghi, Letta, Gentiloni, Bonaccini, Giani, Gelmini, Salvini, Bossi, Ciro, Calderoli, ‘Sora’ Giorgia and others.

Our governor Vito Bardi and the deputies and senators elected in Basilicata in favor of differentiated autonomy are certainly part of the intelligent minority: Gianni Rosa, Salvatore Caiata and the Lucanians acquired for party reasons Casellati and Mattia.

However, given that, today’s news, Luca Zaia is already struggling to ask for autonomy on the nine subjects that do not require LEP (Essential Performance Levels) and on which it is already possible to ask for autonomy, I wonder what awaits Vito Bardi in do it too.

The subjects, I am happy to point out, are: Organization of justice of the peace; International and EU relations of the Region; Foreign trade; Professions; Civil protection; Complementary and supplementary social security; Coordination of public finance and the tax system; Savings banks, rural banks, regional credit companies; Regional land and agricultural credit institutions.

But if I were Bardi, I would ask for guarantees on what will happen if the Cassa, companies and regional credit institutions fail. For now, the bankruptcy of Antonveneta has been avoided thanks to Mario Draghi who authorized its purchase by Monte Paschi at prices that would put the buyer at risk of bankruptcy. Not to mention the Banche Venete which, together with Monte Paschi, ended up weighing on the pockets of all Italians, including Lucanians. Like the prodigious Banca Padana: do you remember? If I were Bardi, I would make sure of who, in the denied hypothesis of bankruptcy of Lucanian institutions, will pay because for the Venetians and Lombards it is a given: all Italians. For the Lucanians, I would have it put in writing. Paper sings, peasants sleep! The same goes for supplementary pensions. If someone runs away with the Cassa, it is better to know in advance who is putting the money in.

If I were Bardi, I would also quickly ask for the delegations for international relations and foreign trade. Not for anything else but at least a cameo appearance alongside ‘Sora’ Giorgia, on the next trip to China to talk to Xi about trade and to establish profitable relations, he will also be able to enjoy it.

What if all twenty regions asked for delegation to foreign trade and international relations? Before making any decision, Sora Giorgia should ask and agree with all the governors and perhaps to make things easier, bring them all with her from XI. With a single presidential plane or with twenty regional planes? Meh!

Can you imagine? “President Xi, let me introduce you to Bardi, let me introduce you to Fontana, let me introduce you to De Luca, let me introduce you to Zaia…” until the probable shattering of Xi’s rotation ellipsoids.

In short, the enthusiastic Bardi who stated that “differentiated autonomy is a victory for Italy and the South” what is he waiting for to ask for the first autonomies like his colleague Zaia? How does he plan to finance them and how does he plan to organize himself to exercise them? How many offices? How many function managers?

I imagine Bardi is impatient, but be patient. Unfortunately, we have to wait for the LEP to be established for the other subjects: Work protection and safety; Education (except for the autonomy of educational institutions and with the exclusion of education and training in professional schools); Scientific and technological research; Support for innovation for production sectors; Health protection; Diet; Sports regulations; Territorial government; Civil ports and airports; Large transport and navigation networks; Communication ordering; National energy production, transport and distribution; Enhancement of cultural heritage and promotion and organization of cultural activities; Enhancement of environmental assets.

I will always remain in doubt about the delegations that will remain with the nation so loved by “Sora Giorgia”. Economic policies, having signed the new Stability and Growth Pact, are now the prerogative of European bureaucracies. Civil protection will now be regional so if something happens everyone will have their own reference governor. However, it is not clear who will coordinate the disasters which, ignoring regional borders and regionalized competences, will fall on the border between two regions.

It seems to me that the state will be left with the army and the police and little else. A little short for two houses of parliament. But I’m wrong to have these problems, I repeat, I’m not part of Flaiano’s ‘intelligent minority’ and I’m waiting for information on our radiant and shining future from Bardi and the elected Lucanians. However, now that I think about it, Flaiano’s complete aphorism comes to mind: in every intelligent minority there is a majority of imbeciles. Doubts assail me.

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