Concerts in Piazza Ariostea in Ferrara, the bans come into force La Nuova Ferrara

Concerts in Piazza Ariostea in Ferrara, the bans come into force La Nuova Ferrara
Concerts in Piazza Ariostea in Ferrara, the bans come into force La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara The first traffic measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the large “concert area” around the Ariostea Squarein view of the transfer of Ferrara Summer Festival. The new ordinance of the Local Police, dated yesterday, revises some provisions of the previous one, published on June 29, but it is above all the press release Municipal building to reduce the impact of the measures, while at the same time increasing the level of uncertainty for motorists and residents in particular on the passability of Biagio Rossetti-Porta Mare (the article here). «The traffic ordinance – it is explained – provides for a series of measures valid continuously from 3 to 15 July and another series of provisions in force on show dates only (from 4th to 8th, and then from 11th to 14th July, ed.).

For this last type of measures, the time slot of possible application goes from 8 in the morning to 5 in the morning the following day, but the times of actual validity will be established from time to time on the basis of public order needs, in relation to the expected influx of spectators (and their possible arrival well in advance of the show time), as well as the needs related to the organization of the events and the dismantling of structures at the end of the show, in anticipation of the next event. In particular, the entry into force of the transit ban measures in Corso Porta Mare, from Corso Ercole d’Este to Via Folegno, will be made effective only by the presence on the road of the Terre Estensi local police officers, who will direct the vehicles to adopt alternative routes”. The most probable interruptions in the morning remain those of the weekend, for the maxi-concerts by Tedua and Calcutta; then there are the closures of Borgoleoni and Palestro. Porta Mare up to via Vigne becomes a dead-end road in the right half-lane, evidently to help residents.

Already from tomorrow, anticipated by 24 orethe parking bans with removal in the streets around Piazza Ariostea.

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