six said yes to the Lord

“I’m experiencing a unique sensation.” “Reaching this milestone in a holy place like this is incredible.” «It is not an arrival, but it is a starting point». “We hope for the help of the Spirit, we will have great responsibilities.” Words of strong emotion, for a moment that forever changed the lives of six faithful, who said “yes” to the Lord. Filippo Barezzi, Marco Bertolini, Fabio Grieco, Luigi Iughetti, Massimo Roccon and Massimo Scaccaglia were ordained deacons by Bishop Solmi during yesterday afternoon’s mass in the Cathedral. Deacons are figures of great importance within the ecclesiastical community: «They participate in the ecclesial service according to the specificity and extent of the order received. They are not ordained to preside over the Eucharist and the community, but to support the bishop and the presbytery in this presidency”, reads verbatim the CEI document of 1993, concerning the permanent deacons of the Church in Italy.

Those who have undertaken the path to become priests, but also lay people and married men can access the diaconate. The six new deacons of Parma belong to the second category, they are all married, with families, who have undertaken a journey lasting many years. What led them to undertake this very long journey? «Service towards others, helping others – replied Luigi Iughetti, born in 1958, husband of Angela and father of Chiara and Andrea, a figure known throughout the city for his work within the Civil Protection and the Diocesan Caritas – . From today another life begins for us, because we will represent the Church and Christ. This means that our daily attitude must always be attentive and correct, and we should be an example for everyone, especially those believers who will look to us for support.” «My connection with God began at a very young age – says Bertolini, employed in a ham factory, lover of beekeeping and volunteer for Unitalsi. – As a boy I was already very attached to my parish, where I was an altar boy. Step by step, I became a catechist, then an acolyte reader and today I am here.” «My spiritual predisposition is aimed at welcoming, spreading the Word and charity – says Massimo Roccon, an accountant, married with three children, and for many years very busy in his parish, the Annunziata -. In my parish I am responsible for drawing up budgets and serving the altar as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist.” Each with their own different path and times, each of them supported by their own family. And the wives, children and closest friends did not fail to provide their support and, visibly moved, they followed closely what became a special afternoon for everyone, even for those who followed the mass as simple citizens.

A long celebration, which began with the procession towards the Baptistery, to pay homage to Saint John the Baptist, by a large group of acolytes, other deacons, priests and canons of the Cathedral. This “elegant white line of faithful” then returned inside the Cathedral where, amidst songs and prayers, it was time for the bishop’s homily. «Today is truly a beautiful day, a celebration of the Church – he highlighted -, referring directly to the six new deacons -. Let us give health to the Lord who still passes where they look for him or is forgotten. And he does it with you, he does it through you. I thank you, your wives and your families, just as I heartily thank the priests who contributed to your formation.”

Fabio: «A journey that began together with my wife»

Fabio Grieco, 47 years old, graduated in sociology and employed at the Parma Local Health Authority, is about to become a deacon. Next to him, a few moments before bowing before the bishop, are his wife Anna, who looks at him proudly, and his two daughters, Maria Paola and Chiara, moved by the goal achieved by their father. «My journey began with my wife. Together with her I attended the theology school for lay people in Parma, every Saturday afternoon – said Fabio -. It was a wonderful journey as a couple, a journey of faith that we took together. It was inside the school that I felt the call to the diaconate.” Fabio will be the only deacon present in the parish of Soragna. «In Soragna we have never had a figure like this, and many ask me what I will do – underlines Grieco -. There are many answers and I will make myself useful in many ways. My community can be certain of one thing: I will carry out the role of married deacon with great commitment and dedication.”

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