Very early retirement but only in some Italian regions: the legislation divides the country

Very early retirement but only in some Italian regions: the legislation divides the country
Very early retirement but only in some Italian regions: the legislation divides the country

Very early retirement, it happens in Italy but not in all regions. The new legislation calls into question the ideas of the country.

The possibility of going to early retirement It is a hotly debated topic in Italy, but new regulations are creating a clear divide between the different regions of the country. Recently, some have introduced measures that allow workers to access retirement many years in advance.

Retiring Very Early Is Possible, But Not Everywhere –

Compared to the national law, this decision has sparked various reactions and controversies, as it creates disparities between citizens depending on their residence. Let’s explore together in which regions the greatest number of inconsistencies with the legislation have been detected.

Very early retirement, it only happens in some regions: Italy divided in two

The regions that have adopted these measures are mainly those of Southern Italy and some areas affected by calamitous events. These areas have been approved to apply exemptions to national regulations. They allow their workers to retire with less stringent requirements.

Affected regions include, but are not limited to, Sicily, Calabria, Campania, Basilicata and some areas of Central Italy such asAbruzzo and Umbria, which suffered serious damage due to earthquakes. In these regions, workers can access the pension with a lower contribution period than national standards.

For example, while national legislation generally provides a requirement of 42 years and 10 months of contributions for men and 41 years and 10 months for women, in these regions it might be possible to retire with only 35 years of contributions. Furthermore, the minimum age for access to retirement can be reduced to 58 years, compared to the 62 required at national level.

For some regions of Italy these conditions of pension advantages have been accepted –

The exemptions were introduced for several reasons. First, many of them address a difficult economic situationcon high unemployment rates and poor economic growth. Allowing workers to retire early can help free up jobs for young people.

It helps reduce unemployment. Furthermore, in areas affected by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, many people have suffered significant losses and economic difficulties. The exemptions allow us to offer support to these communities.

Despite the good intentions behind these measures, the decision to allow early retirement only in some regions has sparked much controversy. Critics argue that these exemptions create an unfair disparity among Italian workersfavoring some at the expense of others.

Furthermore, there are concerns about the financial impact of these measures on the national pension system, already under pressure due to the ageing population.

Workers residing in the affected regions can submit an application for early retirement following the instructions provided by INPS. It is necessary to submit the application through electronic channels, using the F24 payment form for the compensation of contributions.

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