«Ready to represent the center-right. Here are the first names on the list”

«Ready to represent the center-right. Here are the first names on the list”
«Ready to represent the center-right. Here are the first names on the list”

«I strongly feel the need that came from below: that of asking me for a direct commitment. If there were no different assessments by Tajani, Meloni, Salvini, I gave my total availability to represent the coalition.” Thus responds the regional coordinator of Forza Italia in Campania and head of delegation to the European Parliament, Fulvio Martuscielloto a question about his candidacy for president in the Regional elections in October 2025. «Obviously, I place this total availability to the choices that will come and if there should be different evaluations or solutions, I will be the first to align the troops to the identifications that will come» .

«Only Forza Italia here went well above the national average»

In the European elections Forza Italia in Campania «went well beyond the national average», Martusciello then underlined. «The only center-right party that improved compared to national data, while Lega and FdI had a decrease compared to the national average. We went up. It is obvious that the union of the three parties alone is not enough in view of what we have defined as the mother of all battles: the October 2025 regional elections”, added the FI representative. «And this is the reason why we, the next day, began working to expand the coalition to already begin to identify the candidates for the regional elections. Candidates who were representative of the territory and civil society.”

«The first names on the list»

The first candidacies of political subjects but also of “very authoritative representatives” of civil society have already been announced. After announcing the professor’s candidacy Guido Grillotoday the names of Giuseppe Noschese president of Idma International Disaster Medicine Association, Torquato Espositomedical director of the Sorrento Hospital, Luigi Renzi, colonel of the Air Force. The senator spoke at the press conference Francesco Silvestro and president of the bicameral commission for autonomies, Tullio Ferrante undersecretary at the Ministry of Transport e Pasquale Filardipresident of the Italian Society of Cardiology.

The slogan

«From the Region of the last to the Region of the first»: Martusciello also announces what Forza Italia’s slogan will be for the next regional elections.”

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