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new event on June 25th

After Saturday’s demonstration, Latina is still mobilizing for Satnam Singh, against gangmastering and exploitation in the countryside. A demonstration was promoted for Tuesday 25 June by the Indian Community of Lazio which was immediately joined by Fai Cisl and Uila Uil. “We had already found ourselves faced with truly inhumane acts towards the many Indian brothers who live and work in the province of Latina, but we never thought we would even find ourselves faced with death” wrote the Indian Community of Lazio in a note to signature of its president Gurmukh Singh.

The demonstration after the death of Satnam Singh, injured in an accident at work in which he lost an arm, then abandoned in the street in front of his house and died two days later in hospital, will start at the bus lines and end in Piazza della Liberà; the Indian Community of Lazio has announced that it will leave a letter to the prefect to denounce everything that happens every day and to ensure that all this never happens again. As mentioned, the unions of Fai Cisl and Uila Uil joined the demonstration and also proclaimed an 8-hour strike in the agricultural sector. “The death of Satnam Singh occurred in a context of inhuman exploitation that no civilized country can tolerate, and after having reiterated to the Government our priorities to eradicate ghettos and gang-mastering, we think it is our duty, in this moment of pain, to keep our attention high about what happened in Latina. For this reason – the general secretary Onofrio Rota writes today on the Fai-Cisl social networks – we have chosen to participate tomorrow with Uila-Uil in the demonstration promoted by the local Indian community, proclaiming an 8-hour strike day with which to relaunch a structural action and across the board for legality and dignified agricultural work”.

The demonstration begins at 2pm with the gathering at the bus lines from where the procession will leave at 3pm to reach Piazza della Libertà, where speeches by representatives of the Indian community and the trade unions will be held around 4pm. “All civil society, associations, representatives of institutions and the world of work – adds Rota – are invited to take part in this day of solidarity and participation to support a battle of civilization, with which to recognize full dignity of workers who they guarantee food on the tables of Italians.”

An appeal for participation which in recent days also came from Uila Uil. “From this terrible and brutal event, we hope that suitable initiatives can finally be undertaken to resolve the problems underlying this tragedy, in particular the regularization of workers employed in agriculture and the reorganization of inspection services which must be ready and efficient in carrying out their activities and that, above all, they must coordinate with each other. In fact, behind this tragedy – they add from the union -, in addition to the irregularity of the work, which means underpaid illegal work and tax evasion, there is also the belief of dishonest employers that they will not be discovered or that they can still get away with it, as too often the inspections are limited to identifying workers without residence permits and issuing them with a deportation order to expel them from the country, while neither the wage theft that they suffer nor the compliance with safety regulations on the workplace are almost ever ascertained. Work”.

The municipalities of Latina and Cisterna also took part in the demonstration.

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