Transport by reservation, the turning point: from tomorrow Uber will be active in Calabria

Transport by reservation, the turning point: from tomorrow Uber will be active in Calabria
Transport by reservation, the turning point: from tomorrow Uber will be active in Calabria

CATANZARO Uber arrives in Calabria, as anticipated by Courier of Calabria in recent days. TomorrowTuesday 25 June, at 11.30 am, ithe president of the Calabria Region, Roberto Occhiuto, and the general manager of Uber Italia, Lorenzo Piredduduring a press conference – which will be held on the twelfth floor of the Citadel of Catanzaro – will illustrate the arrival of the Uber mobility application in Calabria. A few minutes earlier Occhiuto and Pireddu will arrive together at the Antonio Guarasci square of the Cittadella to make their first statements to journalists.

Keep an eye out for Uber Global Vice President Tony West

The stages

The arrival of Uber in Calabria therefore materializes, and it materializes at the end of a particularly tortuous path. With law 14 on the subject of “Authorization for the operation of the rental service with driver (NCC)”, a law approved in April 2023, the Region unlocked up to a maximum of 200 rental licenses with driversparking harsh controversies with the opposition, especially the Democratic Party, and with taxi drivers. The law was inspired by the need to facilitate the movement of tourists in Calabria from one place to another by making up for the lack of services of this type. In July 2023 the governmenton the proposal of Minister Calderoli, decided to ichallenge the regional law in the Constitutional Court citing the violation of state legislation on competition, of article 117, second paragraph, letter d) of the Constitution, and the violation of the principle of subsidiarity enshrined in article 118 of the Constitution. Last March the decision of the Constitutional Court which ruled in favor of Calabria: “On the NCC – Occhiuto commented that day – Calabria wins a historic battle, that we fought in the collective interest, in favor of consumers, to have more efficient services, for freedom of enterprise. The corporations lose and the protectionist logic loses. The Council agrees with us, also wondering whether the ban, which has lasted for more than five years, on issuing new authorizations for the provision of the rental service with driver is legitimate”. In Aprilconfirming a strong acceleration for the arrival of Uber in Calabria, lOcchiuto himself met with the global vice president of the private car transport company, Tony West (among other things, brother-in-law of Kamala Harris, current vice president of the United States) and in that meeting June was indicated as the month for the start of Uber in Calabria. (approx)

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