Redevelopment of public lighting in Trieste: the Edison Next project has started

Redevelopment of public lighting in Trieste: the Edison Next project has started
Redevelopment of public lighting in Trieste: the Edison Next project has started

The lighting redevelopment interventions include the LED efficiency improvement of over 20,000 light points.

The Municipality of Trieste and Edison Nextcompany of Edison Group which accompanies cities, territories and companies along the way decarbonization and ecological transition, have formalized the launch of the energy and technological redevelopment project of Trieste’s public lighting at the Town Hall of Trieste. The mayor attended the press conference Roberto Dipiazzathe councilor for Project Financing Everest Bertoli, Raffaele Bonardidirector of Business to Government at Edison Next e Domenico Cervelli director of the North-East Area B2G Edison Next. The contract will have a duration of thirteen years and the efficiency works will guarantee important benefits in energy and environmental terms: in fact, annual energy savings of over 70% are expected compared to 2023, with a reduction in atmospheric emissions of approximately 3,900 tonnes of CO2 per year.

«Edison Next is committed to the energy requalification of public lighting in 300 Italian cities. Today we are happy to also support Trieste, a city of great historical, artistic and architectural value, strengthening our commitment to accompanying cities and territories on their path to decarbonisation and sustainability – declares Raffaele Bonardi, director of Business to Government at Edison Next –. Our objective is to return to the local community an enhanced, more usable and safe urban environment, significantly reducing the energy requirement and the environmental and economic impact of the public lighting service. Considering that the efficiency of public lighting represents the ideal driver for the development of smart services, with this project we will also be able to implement solutions with high added value for the city and citizens in the Trieste area, which will bring them a concrete benefit in terms of improving the quality of life”.


The lighting redevelopment interventions include efficiency gains a LEDs of over 20,000 light points, the integration of the public lighting system perimeter with the addition of 400 new light points, the embellishment of 1,100 lighting fixtures which, with the relevant supports, will be transformed from traditional to decorative, the installation of adaptive lighting systems on over 700 light points and a point-to-point remote control system on over 19,000 light points and “island” remote management on 295 electrical power panels. This system, by detecting the performance data of the infrastructure, allows the manager and the municipal administration to verify the correct management and regular functioning of the systems.

Furthermore, the management of all 26,000 city lighting points is envisaged, the replacement of 235 electrical panels and the upgrading of a further 60 existing panels, in addition to the replacement of 1,300 supports and the construction of 30 kilometers of new electrical lines underground to replace the existing overhead ones and the laying of a dedicated cable duct for the distribution of optical fiber. The management service will include ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the plant infrastructure. With a view to service and proximity to the community, a contact center service has been set up for all citizens, active 365 days a year 24 hours a day, which citizens will be able to find on the Edison Next website and on that of the municipality starting from July 1st .

Significant interventions will also be carried out in the smart city sector: among the many projects, in particular, the modernization of the existing control room at the S. Sebastiano Barracks which will supervise the video surveillance service, and a new general control center for the systems, located at a location identified by the Municipality of Trieste, interconnected to the city’s fiber optic network. Furthermore, the implementation of more than 200 video surveillance and license plate reading systems is envisaged, the installation of control units for air quality control and weather detection stations, the creation of a smart parking system for monitoring parking spaces parking for disabled people, the implementation of new hot-spots for wi-fi, the installation of charging systems for electric vehicles and AED systems (columns with automatic defibrillator).

As regards urban mobility interventions, they will be carried out 50 illuminated pedestrian crossings, 66 traffic light regulators replaced, 40 v-tec vehicle traffic analysis systems implemented (video-imaging system that allows the detection, monitoring of traffic and classification of vehicles) and installed buttons and acoustic devices for the blind near 38 city intersections (out of a total of 98).

Finally, particular attention will be paid to the enhancement of the city’s street furniture: 15 sites – including Piazza Unità d’Italia and the Castle of San Giusto – will be enhanced with architectural lighting interventions. In particular, the installation of 470 projectors and dedicated devices for artistic and architectural lighting projects is planned.

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