Terni weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

The weather forecast in Terni for Tuesday 25 June show variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with 99% cloud cover, with temperatures hovering around the lows. +25.2°C and a perception of heat +25°C. The wind will blow from the South West at a speed of 5km/hwith light gusts up to 8.4km/h. The probability of precipitation will be 14% and the humidity of 48%.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain overcast 99%with temperatures reaching i +28.2°C and a perception of heat +27.4°C. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, blowing from the South West to 10.4km/hwith gusts up to 16.4km/h. The chance of rain will be 17%while the humidity will remain around the 34%.

In the evening, cloud cover will still be very high, with the 98% of overcast skies. Temperatures will drop slightly, reaching +27.8°Cwith a perception of heat of +27.3°C. The wind will blow from West – South West at a speed of 12.5km/hwith gusts up to 17.3km/h. The probability of precipitation will be 17%while the humidity will rise to 36%.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Terni they indicate an increase in the probability of rain, with precipitation also expected for the following days. We recommend that you pay attention to updated forecasts and be prepared for variable weather conditions.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Terni

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