Bergamo weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

They are expected on Tuesday 25 June in Bergamo unstable weather conditions with scattered rain and prevailing cloud cover. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​between +15.9°C and +23.9°C. The wind speed will be moderate, with light gusts and variable direction between North, East, South and West.

Overnight, light rain will be recorded with cloud cover reaching 91%. Temperatures will fluctuate between +15.9°C and +17.3°C, with a slightly higher perception.

In the morning, moderate rain will accompany the first hours of the day, with cloud cover remaining around 85-89%. Temperatures will be between +18.4°C and +22.1°C, with a slightly higher perception.

In the afternoon, precipitation will intensify, with moderate rain and cloud cover reaching 92-94%. Maximum temperatures will be around +23.9°C, with a perception of +24.1°C.

In the evening, rain will continue to affect the area, with cloud cover remaining around 100%. Temperatures will be between +17.4°C and +20.4°C, with a slightly higher perception.

Final thoughts: The weather forecast for the next few days in Bergamo indicates a trend of atmospheric instability with scattered rain and prevalent cloud cover. We recommend that you pay attention to changing weather conditions and monitor updates for any changes.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Bergamo

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