Salerno weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

They are expected on Tuesday 25 June in Salerno changing weather conditions. The day will begin with clear skies during the morning, with light cloud cover gradually increasing throughout the day. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with values ​​around 25-26°C. The wind will blow from variable directions, with an intensity that will not exceed 15 km/h.

In the afternoon, the sky will become further overcast, leading to an overcast situation with the probability of light rain. Temperatures will tend to decrease slightly, settling around 24°C. Wind speed will increase slightly, with gusts reaching 1 14 km/h.

During the evening, precipitation may intensify, with light showers likely to persist through much of the night. Temperatures will remain stable around 22°C, while cloud cover will remain fairly consistent. The wind will continue to blow with moderate intensity, with gusts that may exceed 10 km/h.

Based on the weather forecast for the next few days a Salerno, it is advisable to pay attention to the sky conditions and keep an umbrella handy, as rainfall is also expected for the following days. Stay updated on the weather forecast to better organize your outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Salerno

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