Potenza weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

Tuesday 25 June at Power Variable weather conditions are expected with alternating scattered clouds, overcast skies and light rain during the day.

During the Nightgive her 00:00 at 05:00, there will be scattered clouds with coverage varying between 35% and 75%. Temperatures will remain around +15°C with a light breeze coming from the South – South West.

In the morninggive her 06:00 at 12:00 pmthe sky will be mostly overcast with cloud cover reaching 98% at 08:00. Temperatures will gradually increase until reaching i +27.2°C at 9:00 am. Light rain is expected with a probability of 15% at 9:00 am and at 10:00.

In the afternoongive her 1:00 pm at 5pmthe clouds will thin out slightly with coverage around the 65-85%. Temperatures will remain around +25-26°C with a breeze that will be able to reach the 30km/h.

In eveninggive her 6pm at 11pmlight rain is expected with cloud cover varying between 12% and the 91%. Temperatures will gradually drop until reaching i +17°C about 10pm and the 11pm.

Based on the weather forecast for Tuesday 25 June a Power, it is advisable to pay attention to climatic variations during the day and to be prepared for light rain and strong breezes. Stay updated on the weather forecast for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

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