Massa Lubrense, Giovanna Staiano’s memory of her father Tommaso “You leave us your example of life”

Massa Lubrense, Giovanna Staiano’s memory of her father Tommaso “You leave us your example of life”
Massa Lubrense, Giovanna Staiano’s memory of her father Tommaso “You leave us your example of life”

Massa Lubrense (Naples). Many messages of condolence for the former mayor Tommaso Staiano. This is the post by Giovanna Staiano, current vice mayor of the town on the Sorrento peninsula, with her words spoken by her children in memory of her father.

“Dear dad, writing something to remember you is not an easy thing, but we felt the need to do it, to greet you, to thank you.

You knew that it wouldn’t be easy for us to leave you and so you wanted in some way, once again out of a spirit of protection, to prepare us and in the last few weeks the silences have increased, your eyes have started to go out and your words have become increasingly rare. , but nevertheless it was enough for us to shake your hands to feel all the strength and courage that you were able to transmit to us in the years spent together.

Today is a very sad day but at the same time we feel a sense of completeness, we imagine you looking back and looking with satisfaction at the many years that have filled your life. A life made of passion, of love, of friendship, of human relationships, those relationships that you have been able to build with loyalty and reliability, becoming a point of reference for many, always showing yourself available to listen, without ever sparing yourself, then advising with wisdom and humanity, it was enough for you to bring a solution to a problem, to restore serenity to those who asked you for help, to be a happy man. Just by looking at you, you taught us to cultivate sensitivity and care for small things, to know how to grasp the beauty of nature, to respect the history of people, you often told us “don’t judge, because we don’t know what that person carries inside him”. ‘”. Passion was the driving force of your life, you put enthusiasm into everything you did and it was passion combined with strong determination that allowed you to achieve important goals, changing the course of many things. Although your political commitments have often kept you away from your family, you knew how to protect it as the most precious asset you received from life, you loved your mother intensely, with little appearance but a lot of substance, respecting and admiring her daily for her ability to be caring and loving mother of five children, those children of whom, without ever telling us openly, you were proud, a pride that we could only intuit from your pleased looks as you observed us walking along the path of life. Even in illness you showed strength, courage, resilience, acceptance and above all dignity. You leave us, the most important legacy, you leave us your example of life, I don’t know if we will be able to be what you were for us, but know that we will strive every day to be good people, good parents and more good children for mom. We love you dad, now have a safe trip. With these words yesterday in the church of Massa we said our last farewell to dad. I thank all the people who have been close to us in this moment of great pain, with their presence or even with a simple but significant message. Receiving so much affection has alleviated our suffering.”

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