Libertas Livorno, Advice “Clear ideas for a capable team”

The president of Libertas 1947 Akern Livorno Roberto Consigli, after celebrating his team’s hard-fought promotion to Serie A2, he is already thinking about the next match, the almost prohibitive 2024-25 Serie A2 championship packed with renowned teams such as Fortitudo Bologna, Brindisi, Cantù and Pesaro, but also Verona, Udine and Turin, as he explained in the columns of Tuttosport: “We will try to build a team that is up to par. It is still early to name names, both for the reconfirmations and for the new ones, but we have clear ideas.” On this occasion, among the many topics touched upon, there was space for two anecdotes.

Tommaso Fantoni and a promise. “«Two years ago, these days, I met him to give his son Edoardo a copy of a children’s book that I wrote and when we sat down, I told him: Tommy, I’m here because I want you to write the next fairy tale He looked at me and replied: until this thing is done, don’t reveal it, but I solemnly promise you that I am coming to Livorno to bring Libertas to Serie A. That’s what happened. He and everyone kept his promise the others, together, accomplished an extraordinary feat.”

By Gregorio Allinei (he of the five consecutive triples scored at the PalaMaggetti in game 5). “Here too I can tell an anecdote. When we introduced him I said that he has the characteristics of the prince of basketball, Dražen Petrović, in terms of offensive talent and hair, given that he has curly hair. Mine was clearly a joke. Today, however, on his abilities, at the Italian, no one can doubt. Just twenty years old and he is considered one of the most interesting prospects in our basketball.”

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