Emergency deaths at work in Lombardy, a cross every three days. Black jersey in Brescia

Emergency deaths at work in Lombardy, a cross every three days. Black jersey in Brescia
Emergency deaths at work in Lombardy, a cross every three days. Black jersey in Brescia

Brescia black shirt for fatal accidents at work. And in Lombardy, in the first 4 months of 2024, there have already been 52 victims, of which 33 at work (9 less than last year) and 19 while commuting (12 more than 2023). “THE numbers of deathsas we know, must be related to the working population – explains Mauro Rossato, president of the Vega Engineering Observatory – who in Lombardy it is the largest compared to all the other regions. And in fact, when we talk about mortality risk compared to the working population, the result changes and Lombardy is still placed in the yellow zone, with an incidence of fatal accidents lower than the national average.

In fact, they do occur in Lombardy 7.3 fatal accidents per million employed, while the Italian average is 8.7. Unfortunately, this positive data is not found in all the provinces of the region: Brescia, Sondrio, Pavia And Mantua present a risk of fatal injury much higher than the national average up to, in the case of Bresciato 18.2 fatal accidents per million employed”.

If, from the Observatory’s mapping, Lombardy is located in yellow area which, immediately after the white one, groups together the regions with the incidence of mortality at work among the lowest at a national level. As far as incidences are concerned, Brescia, Sondrio, Pavia and Mantua are in ‘red zone’ with an incidence of 18.2, 13.4, 12.7 and 11.0, respectively. They are followed in the orange zone by Monza and Brianza (9.9) and in the white zone in most of the Lombardy provinces with mortality risks well below the regional and national average, starting with Cremona (6.5), Varese (5,1), Milan (4,6), Bergamo (4,1) e How (3,8).

I am 37,796 accident reports overall out of a total, in Italy, of 193,979, i.e. 19.5% of those detected in Italy. The trend is growing: at the end of April 2024, total injury reports grew by 4.4% compared to the end of April 2023, reaching 37,796 compared to 36,200 in 2022.

The activities manufacturingeven at the end of April 2024, are still at the top of the ranking of injury reports (5,079), followed by transportation and warehousing, trade, healthcare and construction. Reports from foreign workers are 9,006 out of 37,796 (almost 25%), while 13 died in the first quarter of 2024 at work, almost 40% of the victims in the region. Agriculture, which in recent days has been the protagonist of tragedies in the fields, is a sector which, according to the analysis ofInail, sees a constant decrease in injuries. Lombardy, however, remains at the top in Italy: in 2022, from which 9.1% of complaints came, in second place after Emilia.

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