Hiring of 32 new nurses at the Umbria Local Health Authority 2 – La Voce del Territorio Umbria

Staffing will be implemented in the territories and hospitals



With resolution of the general director number 1208 of 21 June, the USL Umbria 2 company has arranged for the fixed-term hiring of 32 new nurses who will implement the staffing in the territories and hospitals.
Specifically, the professionals hired are intended and will be operational at the Foligno hospital (five units), the Orvieto hospital (nine), the Terni district (one), the Orvieto district (one), the Foligno district (four units used to strengthen night-time home-based activities), the southern company area (province of Terni) with two units that will replace the staff already identified for the COT of Terni, the northern company area (territories of Foligno , Spoleto, Valnerina) with four units who will replace the staff already identified for the Spoleto Cot; the Terni prison (one).
“The hiring plan – explains the general director, Piero Carsili, in a note from the USL Umbria 2 – is functional to the restoration of the workforce in the services where there has been mobility towards the Cot-territorial operational centers of Terni and Spoleto, to the restoration of the workforce which has been reduced due to terminations, to the strengthening of the number of nurses at the hospitals of Orvieto also in relation to the start of new activities and of Foligno, to the strengthening of home care in the Foligno area where it is integrated home care has been activated on an experimental basis also for 12 hours at night until 31 December 2024.

The latter is a project which we consider strategic, which we presented to the trade union organizations in the first days of April and which, as mentioned, involves the opening of the ADI 24 hours a day, therefore a notable strengthening of the healthcare response of the territory in favor of our most vulnerable users”.
“It should be underlined – continues the general director – the extreme speed with which the ASL, with its offices, completed the entire procedure of recruitment of nurses by drawing up a ranking of 145 professionals to be used for hiring”.
“The measure adopted – underlined the health director of the Umbria 2 Local Health Authority, Nando Scarpelli – was strongly desired by the management with maximum speed also to ensure the LEAs (essential levels of assistance) in all services and departments during the summer period and to allow staff the correct use of scheduled holiday periods”.
“The strengthening of the ADI on Foligno during the night hours – explained Scarpelli – meets the need to decongest the emergency room and hospital departments through the establishment of a multi-professional team – the first and only one in Italy – made up of the continuity doctor care provider who will be supported by nurse Adi”.
The strategic management of the healthcare company underlines “the maturity and sensitivity expressed by the trade union organizations and company RSU and finally thanks Doctor Giuseppe Calabrò, director of the emergency-acceptance department for the important contribution ensured for the development of this innovative assistance and care project”.




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