Vivarini-Frosinone: steps forward. Deadline set for Sunday

Vincenzo Vivarini is close to becoming the new coach of Frosinone. According to the latest rumors collected by the CalcioFrosinone editorial team, the agreement between the coach and the yellow-blue club is close to being concluded, so much so that the company is already moving on the market in view of next season.

The negotiation is at an advanced stage and it seems that Vivarini could be officially announced on Monday. The Frosinone management, led by president Maurizio Stirpe, has set this deadline to allow the announcement to be made during the press conference called for Monday.

Vincenzo Vivarini, after two and a half years at the helm of Catanzaro, has been identified as the ideal profile to bring the yellow-blue team back to the top flight. The negotiations, after a long stalemate, appear to be proceeding smoothly and only an unexpected event could prevent the agreement from being finalised.

The wait for the official announcement is high, but the possibility that Vivarini will be the next Frosinone coach now seems consolidated. The fans are waiting, hoping that this new leadership can lead the club to reach new goals and satisfactions.

This step is also fundamental for Catanzaro. By getting rid of Vivarini, the Giallorossi team will finally be able to close for the new coach, who, as already widely anticipated, should be Alberto Aquilani. The arrival of Aquilani would represent a new beginning for Catanzaro, which, with the arrival of Polito as new sporting director, has great ambitions for next season.

Further decisive developments are expected in the next few hours. The “deadline” set for Sunday should lead to a positive conclusion of this negotiation, with Vivarini’s name ready to be made official as the new Frosinone coach. This will allow Catanzaro to complete its technical organization chart and start planning the new season with greater serenity.

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