In Pesaro 2024 yoga will be practiced in places of culture

In Pesaro 2024 yoga will be practiced in places of culture
In Pesaro 2024 yoga will be practiced in places of culture

From June 22nd a new original proposal from Pesaro Musei which enriches the offer of Pesaro 2024. ‘Yoga is Culture’ offers five different yoga practices, accompanied by the sound of Tibetan bells, to discover how this age-old discipline can integrate perfectly with our daily lives but also with the cultural fabric of the city. Because of this the 5 dates take place – from June to October – in as many places of culture usually not used to welcoming this type of initiative. We start on Saturday 22nd early in the morning (from 6.30 to 8.30) in Piazzale della Libertà near the Sfera Grande by Arnaldo Pomodoro. Appointments are organized by MAAT – Body and spirit, holistic center specializing in yoga and disciplines for the spirit.

We all know or have practiced yoga but there are few who manage to make it become a way of life in which the union between body and mind in everyday life allows you to be present with yourself, for yourself and for your community. According to an anthropological conception, culture is “that complex whole that includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, law, customs, and any other competence and habit acquired by man as a member of society” . Over the years, the definition of “culture” has changed a lot. The basis from which yoga starts, even before the “asanas” (postures), are “Yama” and “Nyama”. To put it very simply, Yamas are the behaviors towards what surrounds us and therefore concern our relationship with others, while the Niyamas are the “observances”, and are identified with personal discipline, the behaviors towards ourselves. “Yoga is Culture” wants to remind us how important it is to rediscover one’s roots and learn to live with others, referring to one’s personal ethics, respect for others, sharing, and the fundamental precepts on which yoga has always been based: respect, love, union.


Saturday 22 June h.06.30-08.30
Piazzale della Libertà/Sfera Grande di Pomodoro
Yoga is tradition: 108 sun salutations to welcome summer

Wednesday 10 July 7-8pm
San Giovanni Library
Yoga is community: discover the yogic path to achieving happiness!
Practice through which we will experience happiness and physical and mental well-being to feel good about ourselves and others

Friday 2 August 7-8pm

Palazzo Mazzolari Moscow – Court
Yoga is sensitivity: discover the power of sweetness!
Soft practice to rediscover the beauty we have inside

Sunday 8 September h.18-19

Palazzo Gradari – Noble hall “Antonia Pallerini”
Yoga is awareness: We move the body to stop the mind
Dynamic practice to feel inside your body and calm your thoughts and worries

Thursday 17 October 7-8pm

Pescheria Visual Arts Center
Yoga is emotion: listen to your heart
Practice aimed at opening the heart, recognizing our emotions and sensations

Entrance with Pesaro Capitale Card,
reservation required:
WhatsApp 333.5981809 and email: [email protected]

The Il Cerchio herbalist’s shop reserves a 10% discount on the purchase of any product for holders of the Pesaro Capitale Card.

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