Water crisis with damage to families in Catanzaro, Action’s report

CATANZARO «Every day we receive legitimate complaints from our fellow citizens about the continuous inconveniences linked to the lack of water. The situation is unbearable and the citizens of Catanzaro are exhausted.” This is what they highlight in a note the municipal councilors of Azione Catanzaro Valerio Donato, Gianni Parisi And Stefano Veraldi.
«Continuous interruptions from north to south of the city – they underline – which last for several days, information often provided at the last moment, closure of supply during the day for no apparent reason. In all of this, families are seeing payment notices delivered, albeit with a guilty delay on the part of the municipal administration. Therefore and to seriously face what is turning into a real water crisis with huge damage to families, to commercial activities and, even more seriously, to healthcare activities, we ask for the convening of an extraordinary session of the city council in which the administration informs citizens of the initiatives it intends to undertake in view of next summer. What is being done – ask the city councilors – to exploit the economic resources dedicated to the aqueducts from Pnrr, to create new tanks and an interconnection between all the existing ones, which will allow all areas of the city to be served better and with better water? What is being done to implement the “digitalization of water”, with an innovative system already in use in some Italian urban areas and which consists in the management of an enormous amount of data collected through hundreds of sensors installed on the network? We therefore ask the mayor and the prime minister to convene a specific session of the municipal council in the presence of Sorical and competent managers in order to provide our fellow citizens with correct and necessary information”.

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