Corna Vip in Turin one year later: Cristina Seymandi speaks. “I saw Segre again and…” – Turin News

Corna Vip in Turin one year later: Cristina Seymandi speaks. “I saw Segre again and…” – Turin News
Corna Vip in Turin one year later: Cristina Seymandi speaks. “I saw Segre again and…” – Turin News

Almost a year ago, the Turin Good she was being shaken by one scandal which seemed to come out of a novel: the betrayal unmasked live during one wedding party And birthday. It was July 27, 2023, when Cristina Seymandi And Massimo Segreboyfriends and partners, were in the villa on the hill to celebrate the birthday her. What was supposed to be an evening of joy turned into a nightmare, with a video which ended on the web and the story in all the newspapers.

Massimo Segre, financier And bankertook the microphone during the party and rebuked Cristina Seymandi an alleged betrayal. The videospread urbi et orbi, went viral in a few hours, adding fuel to the fire of an already explosive affair. Cristina Seymandiowner of a company taken over by Segre thanks to a loan from FinPiemontea former political figure very close to the 5 Stars, suddenly found himself at the center of a media storm.

Almost a year later, Cristina Seymandi decided to speak openly about the matter in ainterview to the weekly Today. «After the initial dismay, I was able to survive the outcry, those words in freedom, in front of an audience which, among other things, was made up only of friends», she declared. Seymandi underlined hers interior strenght and his economic independence and of thought, posing a rhetorical question that makes you think: «I wonder: how many people have the same means, the same self-esteem? And above all: how many women would they have been more fragile and destroyed?

Cristina Seymandi revealed that he had seen it again Massimo Segre as both are involved in one Foundation of which she is an advisor. Although she no longer has feelings for him, she admitted that she still feels deeply sadness for the harm this affair has done to her familyespecially his Daughterher mother and his sister. «Leave that story behind me? Not at all. Indeed, I want to make my experience available to others. Womenabove all, but also men. I’m about to start writing a book and part of proceeds will go to projects in support of women in condition of fragility», he announced.

Cristina Seymandi had initially presented a lawsuit penalty for violation of privacy And private violence, lawsuit then withdrawn following a confidential agreement. However, the legal matter is not completely closed. «Every other issue is being examined by the judiciary“, he precised. For some crimes, in fact, there may be an official prosecution, even without it lawsuit. As for explanations for Segre’s gesture, he explains that he has none. And now he’s in a relationship? She doesn’t tell the journalist from Oggi, even though she explains that she is happy. And it is certain that he goes to Rome very often…

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