EU rejects differentiated autonomy and recalls Italy: “Risk of inequalities” – QuiFinanza

EU rejects differentiated autonomy and recalls Italy: “Risk of inequalities” – QuiFinanza
EU rejects differentiated autonomy and recalls Italy: “Risk of inequalities” – QuiFinanza

Me too’EU has something to say aboutDifferentiated autonomywith the Commission it has failed there reform after passing through Parliament. The Union, in fact, drafted a document in which it recalled Italy and its government after the decision taken, with a series of recommendations on the economic, social, employment, structural and budget policies taken. And precisely on Autonomy failure appears clearwith the EU having defined what is taking place as a real “devolution” which has the risk of causing a rift within the country, with the worsening of inequalities between North and South.

Differentiated autonomy, the rejection of the EU

In the EU working document on Italy drawn up as part of the recommendations on economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies, which ANSA has seen, we can read a clear position taken by the Commission on ‘Differentiated autonomy passed in Parliament. The EU, in fact, recalls Italy before the final approval of the reform, warning the Meloni government about what has been decided.

The EU defines what is underway as a “devolution of further competences to the Italian regions” which “involves risks for the cohesion and public finances of the country”. The danger, among other things, is of “inequalities between regions“, with the bill on autonomy which “includes some protections for public finances, such as periodic assessments of regional fiscal capacities and requirements for regional contributions to achieve national fiscal objectives”.

“However, although it assigns specific prerogatives to the government in the negotiation process, it does not provide any common framework for evaluating regional requests for additional competences”, observes Brussels, highlighting that “regions will thus be able to request additional skills only once the corresponding ‘essential levels of services’ (Lep) have been defined”.

And the emphasis is placed precisely on the Leps, because “since they only guarantee minimum levels of services and do not concern all sectors, there are still risks of increasing regional inequalities“, The warning from the EU executive then shifts to an organizational problem: “The devolution of additional powers to the regions on a differentiated basis would also increase institutional complexity, entailing the risk of higher costs both for the public sector and for the private one”.

The letter from the M5s to Mattarella

In short, a bill that does not convince the Commission. An opinion that will certainly not be set aside, especially by the oppositions who have been working for days to ensure that the reform is not effective.

Above all, the 5 Star Movement is working on it, with the group leaders in the House and Senate Francesco Silvestri And Stefano Patuanelli wrote a letter addressed to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella with a clear request: not to sign the reform on differentiated autonomy.

“The presidential postponement referred to in Article 74 of the Constitution represents a preventive control function, aimed at guaranteeing the overall coherence of the system: coherence of the constitutional and democratic system potentially compromised by the bill in question. We therefore ask you to consider the opportunity to exercise the Its constitutional prerogativeprecisely to safeguard the overall democratic structure, within the coherence and regulatory compliance of the bill on Autonomy with the fundamental principles of our Constitutional Charter” we read in the letter to the Head of State.

And the group leaders make no concessions in judging the reform: “It dissolves the unity of the country and shatters national solidarity. The reform is the result of an exasperated regionalism pushed to the limit of secession, that of the rich, to the detriment of citizens who live in the areas of the country less equipped with infrastructure and services”.

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