Lecce, fire in the building. Fear for residents

Lecce, fire in the building. Fear for residents
Lecce, fire in the building. Fear for residents

Fire on the ground floor of one building in via Pistoiain the stadium area, a Lecce. The flames that broke out in the early afternoon affected the portico of the building where, a short distance away, some wooden furniture was positioned. The fire, the causes of which are still being ascertained, driven by the wind and easily flammable material found along the way, thus reached the inside of the building, damaging the insulated structure and the attic between the ground floor and the upper floor.

The alarm raised by the residents of the area brought the firefighters of the provincial command of Lecce to the scene who had to work hard to put out the flames and make the area safe.

During the firefighting operations, the building was evacuated. According to a first partial evaluation, the stability and agility of the building would not have been put at risk. However, further investigations will be carried out in the next few hours by the firefighters. The damage to the building is also being assessed. Police officers and 118 health workers also intervened on site. Despite the great scare, none of the residents were injured in the fire.


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Puglia Newspaper

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