Grillo attacks Conte: ‘Visionary ideas are needed’. Criticism of the M5S guarantor

From the theater stage to the internet platform. The form changes but not the substance. The former comedian Beppe Grillo gives a monologue on his blog entitled “Interview with myself” which begins like this: “How’s your relationship with Conte? Excellently. And yours with you? We’re not joking. How do you have a bad relationship.” On the current five-star leader, Grillo writes: “he never gets upset, every word dissolves… We agree, however, that we don’t want to dissolve ourselves too”. Then he adds: “We will start again from antennas aimed at citizens and from a different political action. We were born as irregulars who dreamed of changing the system.”

Go back to proposing radical and visionary ideas

In the constituent assembly launched by Giuseppe Conte we will talk about direct democracy and “how to recover contact, dialogue and joint actions with the activists, who have always been the fuel of the Movement. “But at the same time we cannot only discuss operating rules internal, but we must return to proposing radical and visionary ideas, distancing ourselves from a position that is old and outdated for decades. Talking about left and right is like talking about Ghibellines and Guelphs, indeed perhaps it is better to talk about the latter, because everyone must follow. the Exalted”.

in-depth analysis

M5S, Grillo attacks Conte: “Berlusconi got more votes when he was dead”

The themes addressed by Grillo

From citizenship income to work, from politics to the environment. Grillo addressed many topics in his blog with this premise: “Even the most ardent enemies recognize that we have anticipated topics that everyone is talking about today.” Starting with this: “We wanted to abolish citizenship income to push young people to look for work; except that bars, shops and restaurants continue to lack staff, while street crime has increased, perhaps also because leaving people in poverty is not in anyone’s interest.” The objective of full employment, writes Grillo, in addition to being unrealistic, belongs to mental schemes of the last century, while in Silicon Valley the challenge of the century is to disconnect income from work, which are both important for well-being, but are inevitably destined to no longer be related to each other.”

in-depth analysis

M5s, Conte-Grillo: “United on relaunch, divided on double mandate”

Point of convergence with Conte

Grillo says he “agrees with all the things that Giuseppe Conte says, which are three”. On the other hand, how can you disagree with the fact that war, poverty and disease are bad things “If anything, I would like to add some nice things – he adds – such as the vote of European citizens in political elections in the countries of residence and not of citizenship, products whose price incorporates the social cost of production and transport, platforms of direct democracy and active citizenship. All things we talked about regularly with Casaleggio and others.”

Giuseppe Conte leader of the 5 Star Movement at a press conference, comments on the results of the European elections.  Rome, 10 June 2024 ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

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Conte: “Ready to step aside if I am an obstacle for M5s”

The meetings

Grillo makes it known that he would like to resume having the same meetings he had with Casaleggio, therefore not only with Conte, “but also anyone who wants to help us chart the course for the next few years”. Among the topics he would like to talk about: “Some , such as the ecological and digital transition, have become the main themes of the European and Italian political agenda. So it can’t be said that we didn’t get it right. Others, such as direct democracy and politics as a service and not a profession, as is the case in Switzerland and elsewhere, remain to be achieved.

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