Polli, criticism of Fattori from Cuneo: “I point it out for the capon fair”. The reply: “Defeat burns”

Polli, criticism of Fattori from Cuneo: “I point it out for the capon fair”. The reply: “Defeat burns”
Polli, criticism of Fattori from Cuneo: “I point it out for the capon fair”. The reply: “Defeat burns”

After the elections in Maiolo the atmosphere continues to be rather hot and not due to the African anticyclone. The bone of contention is the green light for the breeding of Fileni chickens in Cavallara and the controversy that arose following the verdict at the polls. Marcello Fattori ran again and was elected again, this time following a confrontation at the polls with Maurizio Moroni.

The celebrations following the electoral victory, with a dance of people dressed as chickens and the mayor wearing a chicken-shaped cap, sparked reactions from the committee and the opposition.

In recent days, a poem and a rap song have also circulated on WhatsApp chats, the latter probably the result of artificial intelligence, with heavy attacks on Mayor Fattori. The authors remained anonymous.

However, Claudio Ravotti, representative of the Isola 2021 group of the Province of Cuneo, who is on the front line in his territory to oppose the construction of a mega chicken farm, is not anonymous, but intervened personally. “in the midst of the houses”.

“The video showing you in your superb performance as Chicken has also arrived here”, writes Ravotti, who attacks: “Your performance is more than enough to qualify you.”

“I just want to express my unconditional solidarity and closeness to the Valmarecchia Committee and to all those citizens who defend their rights on your behalf,” writes Ravotti, who strikes home the blow: “I am sure that your impeccable performance will open unexpected doors for you, which is why I will not fail to recommend you to the Cappone Fair which will be held on 15/16 December in the nearby municipality of Morozzo in the province of Cuneo”.

The Cappone fair is certainly not a very elegant reference, but Fattori, in his reply, focuses on something else.

The mayor starts from the breeding authorization procedure: “Issued by the Emilia Romagna region with resolution of the regional council on 04.04.2022 and not by the municipality of Maiolo”.

“Farming – reports Fattori – had existed and been regularly authorized since 1972 for 3,200,000 chickens per year on three floors with a frightening impact, but legitimately built, which the region could not prevent from continuing, but only find a way to improve the highly compromised situation as much as possible”.

“At the end of exhausting comparisons between over 10 competent bodies, including the Municipality, the breeding was reduced by 75%, the eco-monsters 10 meters high. completely demolished and rebuilt with modern techniques to guarantee ventilation, air conditioning and animal welfare, with a maximum of approximately 780,000 chickens per year, and to compensate the company must plant and reforest 35,000 m2 around the buildings, furthermore intensive has been authorized only organic farming”continues the mayor.

Fattori complains of having ended up at the center of the storm, criticized “for over a year by people outside the territory” as the weak link, “while the region governed by the left has not lent itself to unfounded criticism that has been returned to the sender”.

As regards the electoral verdict, Fattori attacks: “The citizens democratically asphalted the list opposed to mine, strongly based on the old politics and the chicken committee”.

Regarding the celebrations, Fattori rejects the accusations: “Carnival parades disguised as chickens were held against me, foot races dressed as chickens were held in the area, always against me and my municipality, then a funeral march was also held right under my Town Hall complete with a coffin. The Maiolesi were deeply offended by this provocative behavior and it was seen unequivocally at the polls and in the constant support for the undersigned.”

At the party, the mayor defends himself, “in an extremely euphoric climate with the lightness of the post-electoral tension, without my knowledge a group of people, to make me have a laugh and lighten up the harassment I had unjustly suffered in the last year, organized this little show for me and by coming to the table where I was sitting and involved”.

“I wasn’t dressed as a chicken – goes on – but the lady behind me took off her hat and put it on my head. I was simply playing along with my citizens, did I do the right thing? maybe not, but I didn’t offend anyone and I didn’t commit any crime, everything wasn’t reported against anything or anyone, at most against those who wish me harm.”

“The burning of defeat and the exploitation of the thing artfully assembled without contextualizing the thing, always for provocative purposes and to fuel hatred and malice, has reached her, who I don’t know and as a conscientious and correct person, I wouldn’t allow myself never judge her”attacks Fattori.

“I hope he changes his gratuitous malice towards me – argues the mayor – and for any other time please do not believe all the evil things written about people, because they hurt a lot and I sincerely hope that it never happens to you that you are attacked unjustly and personally, that it hurts me personally, that it hurts me it’s bad for my family, it’s bad for my three children and it’s bad for my granddaughter, believe me.”

“I can democratically accept criticism of choices and actions which can always be constructive for the good of the community, but as I told you, I have not exempted myself from the scrutiny of my citizens, who have largely reconfirmed their trust in me, and not because they are subservient or superficial as some have wanted to suggest, but because in such a small town everyone knows me very well, they know my moral and material integrity, and they have never believed the atrocities written against their Mayor, indeed many have suffered with me and they were close to me”comments the mayor.

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