Trapani Shark, President Antonini’s outburst after Daspo’s request

The echo of Trapani Shark’s triumph never goes away, promoted to Serie A1 at the height of a fantastic season, even if the heated final of game 4 against Fortitudo Bologna is still being discussed, with all the controversies that followed the Granata’s decisive success at PalaDozza. In the midst of the excited final stages of the match, President Valerio Antonini allegedly made a gesture considered incorrect to the ultra Emilianswhich led the Bologna police headquarters to initiate the process for the Daspo against the Trapani patron, which in fact would have provoked the home fans. And Antonini returned to the events at PalaDozza during an interview on the Dazn Got Game broadcast.

Deep bitterness

I am very very disappointed with how I was treated in Bolognaand for how the situation was reported – Antonini told Dazn -, to the point that the Police Headquarters began a Daspo procedure against me, president of a team from the South. A shameI don’t want to talk about it, but there is an entire region shocked: after 33 years a club returns to Serie A we expected treatment and thanks from the League for the visibility we gave them”. So the president of Trapani Shark does not hide a deep bitterness for what happened, while rumors are circulating in many quarters of his possible farewell to the Trapani square, which however seems truly unlikely.

Future plans

In fact, Antonini looks to the future, and to what needs to be done to play an A1 championship that lives up to expectations: “We want to win the scudetto – he continued during dazn Got Game – We have already signed Euroleague players like Alibegovic, We are looking for 2-3 high level Italians and 4 foreigners to completeto have 12 with which to try to get into the top 4 and therefore avoid Bologna and Milan in the semi-finals.”

(Facebook photo – Trapani Shark)

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