Calabrian janitor works 9 days in 3 years

Disabling pathologies that did not allow him to be a janitor, a job for which he was paid, but which did not prevent him from being a car broker who also traveled on business trips.

It is the story of a Calabrian janitor who managed to work only 9 days in three years in schools in Friuli, however receiving the full amount of the salary.

The 40-year-old man had been commuting to Friuli Venezia Giulia for three years: responding positively to the request from institutes looking for school collaborators for annual assignments, he took up service except for presenting, at the end of the third day, a medical certificate which attested to severe renal failure and dermatoid psoriasis.

The managers – on the basis of medical certificates drawn up by compliant professionals, five in total, reported by the Finance Department – could only take note and appointed an alternate.

The sickly janitor instead returned to Calabria where he carried out, without authorisation, broker activity in long-term car rental, moving in Italy and abroad. For work, but also for pleasure.

The scam worked for three school years: the man cunningly changed schools punctually, despite remaining in Western Friuli. And over the years he has pocketed over 40 thousand euros from the Ministry of Education.

The managers of Istt Kennedy and Isis Zanussi of Pordenone, and of Ipsia Torricelli of Maniago, had no way of perceiving the crime, also because the illness was regularly certified. The only clue was the sudden “recovery” coinciding with the assumption of duty, in the first days of September, at the beginning of each new school year. Until suspicion began to circulate among the principals regarding that janitor and his alleged very serious kidney problems.

At that point the report was made to the competent school bodies and to the financiers. Who discovered that the absentee, once he returned to his country of origin, in the province of Reggio Calabria, thanks to the false medical certificates, did not even have to undergo a tax visit, receiving the entire amount of his salary – and unemployment in the months summer – and also continuing to accumulate points for advancement in the ranking.

The search of his home, ordered by the Pordenone Prosecutor’s Office, made it possible to find and seize, in addition to documentation on the double job, also 300 thousand euros in cash, believed to be proceeds from the activity actually carried out.

Ansa reports it

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