State exams in Messina: anxiety goes to the attic even in the province

State exams in Messina: anxiety goes to the attic even in the province
State exams in Messina: anxiety goes to the attic even in the province

First test in the attic also in the institutes of Sant’Agata Militello, Patti and Capo d’Orlando.
In Sant’Agata Militello, as Giuseppe Romeo tells us, the faces are smiling and relaxed at the exit of the first test for the high school graduates grappling with topics with which they have shown considerable confidence. «The trace on profiles, selfies and blogs is particularly close to everyday life, so I tried to convey a message on the appropriate use of social media without abusing it» says Cristina Monastra of the ITET footwear and fashion department “Tomasi di Lampedusa”. Same choice for Giuseppe Parafioriti, of the V SIA for whom «current affairs were certainly more accessible than literary topics». The analysis of the text “History of Europe” on wars and consequences was the choice of Alessia Todaro, of the 5. B linguistic “Sciascia-Fermi”. «A topic that we addressed during the year in reference to the situation between Israel and Palestine and in Ukraine and which also allowed me to make connections with Italo Svevo and a quote from Martin Luter King».
Giuseppe Valore of the 5.E scientific “Sciascia-Fermi” spoke about the evolution from the secret diary to social media. “Social media often negatively influences people who expose their lives excessively.” Antonino Alferi instead focused on wars. “I highlighted the need to achieve peace through dialogue, because every war is useless and harmful.” «I was struck by Pirandello’s text on man as a slave to the machine, it is as if in 1925 he had predicted what is happening now with artificial intelligence», comments Matteo Musarra Tubbi, of the 5.C IT department of Itis “Torricelli”. Giuseppe Emanuele of 5.B instead chose the proposal based on the text “In Praise of Imperfection” by Rita Levi Montalcini. «I was most struck by how imperfection is seen by young people and adults. Each of us is perfect in our own way and it is right that we are accepted for who we are.” Same option for Alberto Fiocco, according to whom «the course of study allowed us to be prepared for these exams».
In Patti, writes Giuseppe Giarrizzo, the late evening meeting in front of the headquarters in via Trieste is a tradition, a superstitious ritual, a way to exorcise fear and to share, easing them, anxieties and worries of the day before. The speakers of a Bluetooth speaker reproduce the timeless “Night before exams” by Antonello Venditti, to be sung at the top of your lungs close to each other, in a collective embrace that releases the tension, even if just for a few minutes. A few hours later the gates of the “Vittorio Emanuele III” high school open wide to welcome the graduates.

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