an 18 year old and the story of the gang rape in Perugia

an 18 year old and the story of the gang rape in Perugia
an 18 year old and the story of the gang rape in Perugia

PERUGIA – Deceived, taken by force, kidnapped and raped. Once, twice. She is locked in the ogre’s lair, while another monster awaits her turn. The details that emerge from the story of the gang rape suffered by an eighteen-year-old from Perugia are increasingly chilling, with an evening in company ending like an Alice in the Land of Horrors, in an escalation of random events that became the cause of a nightmare that seemed never never end.

The facts speak of a girl who had just turned 18 and was left alone after an evening on the dance floor of a club between San Sisto and Sant’Andrea delle Fratte. The friends she was supposed to come home with for one reason or another leave. And she remains on foot and alone. It’s almost dawn and she’s looking for a taxi, she doesn’t have much money but maybe once she gets home somehow she’ll pay. Outside the club, on the street, there are ugly people, she’s scared. Until she was approached by an elderly man, the 69-year-old then arrested for aggravated sexual assault together with his 34-year-old companion. She doesn’t know him, but she has already noticed him inside the disco bar, she doesn’t trust him but at that moment perhaps she doesn’t see any alternatives. He offers to find her a taxi but he explains that he doesn’t have a cell phone. «I have it at home, nearby. Follow me”. She is more and more hesitant, now it is easy to say that it would have been safer to call friends or relatives, but in the end she enters that apartment which will be her prison for a long time. Inside her there are other men, they speak to each other in Albanian, and the old man locks her in a room and sexually abuses her. He tugs at her, squeezes her. He forces her. Humiliating her without shame, despite her tears and her No her. Then it will be the 34 year old’s turn, both of them treating her like a rag doll. She was also forced to use cocaine, while one of the two perhaps immortalized the violence and great contempt for a woman, little more than a little girl. Hypothesis, that of the images recorded during the rape, which is now being examined by the mobile team directed by Maria Assunta Ghizzoni who, as part of the investigations coordinated by the prosecutor’s office, had the cell phones of the two men seized. Both of Albanian origins, both ended up in prison, and the validation of their arrest will be considered in the next few hours.
Furthermore, the scientific police were at work for a long time in the house of horror, to find biological traces of the violence reported by the eighteen-year-old after her arrival at the hospital and the visit to the Gynecology department. Violence, then, reported despite the fear and terror of one day finding herself faced with the ogres who violated her, in the total disinterest of the other two present in the house, who are not accused of the rape which they did not prevent: one of them is the 24-year-old arrested for possession for the purpose of dealing and illegal possession of a firearm. In fact, over two ounces of cocaine and more than two thousand euros in cash were found in his apartment, considered the result of a decidedly profitable drug dealing ring. Together with a Beretta pistol, probably stolen, which the police are investigating, with the coordination of the investigations entrusted to the deputy prosecutor Gennaro Iannarone. Investigations that could also help explain that profound belief in impunity that pushed them to commit such despicable crimes, knowing that they could be easily tracked down and identified, even with a small treasure of drugs and money just a few steps from the room where a little girl had had to say goodbye to his serenity and trust in mankind.


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