Accused of the crimes of threat and attempted private violence: the defense theses accepted by the Court of Agrigento: acquitted

Accused of the crimes of threat and attempted private violence: the defense theses accepted by the Court of Agrigento: acquitted
Accused of the crimes of threat and attempted private violence: the defense theses accepted by the Court of Agrigento: acquitted

The single judge of the Court of Agrigento, Sabrina Bazzano, accepting the arguments of the accused’s defense lawyer, Monica Malogioglio, acquitted a 52-year-old who was responsible for the crimes of threats, attempted injuries and attempted private violence. The accused ended up on trial accused of having attempted to attack and threatened to kill his neighbors in a condominium in the Villaggio Peruzzo neighbourhood.

In particular, the man was accused of having addressed phrases along the lines of “Bastard, I’ll kill you” to a neighbor, throwing a vase containing a plant at him from the third floor of the building where he lived, without however hitting him, because the alleged victim succeeded to deviate from the trajectory.

But the defender, the lawyer Malogioglio, highlighted that the alleged victim’s story was not confirmed and that she had shown herself in the courtroom animated by hatred and resentment so much so as to oppose the remission of the complaint requested by the defender complete with negative comments made in the against the accused. The latter was also responsible for attempted private violence against another co-owner of the building.

The 52-year-old would have threatened to cut the wires of the electric meter of her apartment if she did not reconnect the meter of the building which the woman, as head of the condominium, had owned for several years, and which following a separation due to arrears recently intervened, it had no longer reactivated it even though it had been requested several times.

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