Latina / Wounded and abandoned farmer: waiting for the turning point of the case, Uil and D’Amato speak (Action)

Latina / Wounded and abandoned farmer: waiting for the turning point of the case, Uil and D’Amato speak (Action)
Latina / Wounded and abandoned farmer: waiting for the turning point of the case, Uil and D’Amato speak (Action)

LATINA – I am sensational developments are expected at any moment on the sad story linked to a 31-year-old agricultural worker who, residing in Cisterna, had been the victim of a very serious accident at work following which, in the countryside of Borgo Santa Maria, in addition to the crushing of his lower limbs, he had suffered the amputation of his right arm, which was then placed by his anonymous companions on a box used for harvesting vegetables. Promising to make a change to this gruesome story are the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of Latina and of the Borgo Podgora station who are investigating to identify the people who accompanied the laborer home without the arm that had been severed by a hay cutter roller, towed by a tractor. If the injured laborer is hospitalized at the San Camillo hospital where he was transferred on Monday aboard a 118 air ambulance, the Carabinieri’s investigations are carried out closely with the technicians and officials of the Nil and the Workplace Safety and Prevention department of the ASL aimed at “defining the victim’s work position and regularity on the national territory”.

The macabre and very serious affair had been made known by the general secretary of the Flai CGIL of Latina and Frosinone Hardeep Kaur, among the first to arrive at the place where the Indian laborer “he had been dumped from a 9-seater minibus like a bag of rubbish on the street near his home. We are not only faced with a serious accident at work, which is already alarming and avoidable in itself, here we are faced with the barbarity of exploitation, which tramples on people’s lives, dignity, health and every rule of civility. We will monitor these fields, these roads, these villages and districts every day and for the next few weeks there will be many of us, because we cannot work in these conditions”.


Abandoned like rubbish in the middle of the street after losing an arm and suffering serious leg injuries” – The situation denounced by the general secretaries of theat Uil Lazio and Latina, Alberto Civica and Luigi Garullo And “bordering on horror where those who should have provided immediate assistance saw fit to dump him in front of his home thus trying to disguise their responsibilities.” The union again in a note: “It is absurd and also humanly unacceptable. You don’t have to be a trade unionist to be indignant and sickened by such actions, which are unworthy even of an animal. Because the animal looks after its own injured fellow, the victim’s employer got rid of it. Like garbage. Like a burden to be eliminated as soon as possible. Such behavior goes beyond the safety regulations that we continue to require, it goes beyond the very concept of humanity and we hope that the punishment is exemplary so that at least no more incidents of this kind occur. This is what the worker represents for some entrepreneurs. A slave to be exploited as much as possible and then disposed of. Perhaps it is no coincidence that, as trade unions, we continue to repeatedly ask for more inspections and controls, while the government instead decides to reduce them. Just as it reduced Inail reimbursements. There’s no point in writing obituaries and beating your chest in front of yet another victim if you actually proceed in the opposite direction. No more deaths at work – warn Civica and Garullo – And no more exploitation of the weakest”.


To request again, dfter a year after the establishment in the Lazio Region of a commission of inquiry into illegal work and gangmastering, the regional councilor and national Welfare Action manager, Alessio D’Amato: “Unfortunately there was no response from President Rocca. What happened in Borgo Santa Maria is barbaric. We cannot accept workers being treated like slaves.”

Profound indignation” was finally also expressed by the provincial coordinator of the Brothers of Italy, Senator Nicola Calandrini: “The episode, which brings to light the dramatic reality of exploitation and indifference towards human dignity, cannot go unnoticed or go unpunished – he declared – As a representative of the Italian people and a member of Fratelli d’Italia, I express my total solidarity with the victim of this inhuman cruelty. It is unacceptable that episodes of such brutality can occur in our country, which offend not only the victim but the entire national community. I hope with all my might that the competent authorities – this is the hope of the provincial coordinator of Fdi – will be able to identify and criminally prosecute those responsible for this vile act. We cannot allow those who exploit and mistreat defenseless workers to continue to operate with impunity. The protection of workers’ rights, the fight against all forms of exploitation and the promotion of legality must be absolute priorities for our country. I hope that all political forces – concluded the Senator from Latina – unite in this battle for the defense of human dignity and that there is no room for political speculation on such delicate issues”.

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