Col Campus is always a spectacle – Photo 1 of 9

Col Campus is always a spectacle – Photo 1 of 9
Col Campus is always a spectacle – Photo 1 of 9

“I am a writer, I feel like telling my story or that of others. Sometimes I choose, sometimes fate chooses. Did I or fate decide that I should be a writer? I don’t know the answer, what I know is that it makes me feel good.”

An incipit that in itself excites the imagination and is even more so if all this is “staged”. This was the main theme of the show entitled “How would it have been if…” of the “Il Campus” dance school in Porto Viro. A final essay of reality directed by Elisabetta Barra, which saw a sports hall packed in every seat to watch the show. Before giving away the dance (in every sense), the mayor Valeria Mantovan wanted to extend her compliments to the teachers, the organization and, obviously, the male and female dancers of the school.

Then off to the show which involved the audience present, enthusiastic to follow the story of the protagonist staged with the various dance categories that are taught at “Il Campus”. A show which, as per tradition every time the dance school directed by Elisabetta Barra takes to the stage, ended with thunderous applause. An end-of-year essay, therefore, as the icing on the cake of an intense year.

But the commitments for “Il Campus” do not end here; from the shows that will cheer up the people present to the traditional “Sa ghè in piasa al marti?”, passing through the repeat of the show “Oltre le mura” on June 28th in Scardovari, participation in the San Gaetano festival in Fornaci on July 27th and the traditional stage which will involve the world of dance but also that of singing, musicals and acting “DanzEstate” (from 22 July to 8 August). One thing for sure. “The Campus” never stops.

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