USB Public Employment – National Fire Brigade Coordination: REGIONAL STRIKE USB VVF PIEDMONT

USB Public Employment – National Fire Brigade Coordination: REGIONAL STRIKE USB VVF PIEDMONT
USB Public Employment – National Fire Brigade Coordination: REGIONAL STRIKE USB VVF PIEDMONT

To the Commission for Guaranteeing the implementation of the law on strikes in essential public services

Piazza del Gesù n. 46, 00186 Rome

To the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration

To the Minister of the Interior

Prefect Matteo PIANTEDOSI

To the Undersecretary of State for the Interior with responsibility for the Fire Brigade

of Public Rescue and Civil Defence

On Emanuele PRISCO

To the Department of Fire Brigade, Public Rescue and Civil Defence

Department Chief


Via: Office I – Cabinet of the Head of Department

Head of the Department Head’s Cabinet

Vice Prefect Angelina TRITTO

To the Head of the National Fire Brigade

Deputy Head of Department

eng. Carlo DALL’OPPIO

To the manager of the Guarantee of Trade Union Rights office

Vice Prefect Renata CASTRUCCI

To the Regional Fire Brigade Director of Piedmont

Eng. Alessandro PAOLA

To the Fire Brigade commanders of Piedmont

And, pc to Mr. Prefect of the province of Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Turin, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli

Subject: DECLARATION OF THE REGIONAL STRIKE OF THE PIEDMONT FIREFIGHTERS CATEGORY – pursuant to Law 146/90 and/or Law 83/2000 and subsequent amendments – for the date of 05 JULY 2024.

The undersigned trade union organization in relation to the state of agitation of the staff of the Fire Brigade of the PIEDMONT Region last 07 June, relating to the serious risk situation to which the staff serving in the regional territory is exposed due to the failure to be assigned to disadvantaged locations and the state of service of the vehicles, in particular for those used for rescue on the upper floors (Ladder trucks and aerial rescue platforms), declares the regional strike of the category. The failure to assign suitable means for urgent technical relief interventions at locations located in territories more than an hour away from any possible support team, the continuous deprivation for entire communities of the possibility of receiving effective technical relief due to the dislocation of means in other situations, despite the evident inconsistency of intervention times exceeding sixty minutes, the lack of supervision over the years of the operational situation of the vehicles assigned to the Piedmont Region, are critical issues that are still unresolved today. As an example, we would like to point out the situation of the Vercelli Command in which the only disadvantaged detachment in the Region, Varallo, is currently without any means suitable for rescue on the upper floors and for the firefighting service with the serious risk for the Fire Brigade operators. F. of being unable to provide assistance to the population in a professionally correct manner. A deployment of rescue vehicles at high altitudes without uniform criteria on the regional territory but above all an evaluation of the travel distances between the various locations exposes personnel to situations sadly similar to that which occurred recently on the Natisone river in Friuli.

The solution proposed during the conciliation attempt did not give any immediate answer to our questions, delaying the time needed to resolve the problem, as demonstrated by the recent launch of the working group wanted by the Regional Director, with a deadline of three months to provide the first answers. which however does not indicate a quick solution for the most penalized locations. Despite having appreciated a certain diligence in verifying the maintenance status of this very precious type of emergency vehicles on the part of the Management, we still have colleagues in the regional territory deprived of the operational opportunity of requesting emergency vehicles on the upper floors in times compatible with technical rescue urgent.

Given the reasons expressed, a regional sector strike is declared.

The undersigned informs whoever is responsible for the membership methods/articulations for that day, without prejudice to the limitations foreseen by the operational and administrative components of the CNVVF (ports, airports, command and training offices).

The strike method will be:

• shift staff (4 hours, without reduction) from 09.00 to 13.00;

• daily or administrative staff (all day).

There will also be a sit-in in front of the headquarters of the VARALLO (VC) detachment from 09.00 to 11.30.

for the Piedmont USB VVF Coordination

Danilo Molinaro, Adriano Scotland

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