Railway bypass, the No Tav: “The nursery school will be closed, let’s refuse to be exposed to dangerous emissions”, the Municipality’s reply: “No alarm”

Railway bypass, the No Tav: “The nursery school will be closed, let’s refuse to be exposed to dangerous emissions”, the Municipality’s reply: “No alarm”
Railway bypass, the No Tav: “The nursery school will be closed, let’s refuse to be exposed to dangerous emissions”, the Municipality’s reply: “No alarm”

TRENT. No health alarm and no correlation with the cleanup underway in Rio Lavisotto. This is the intervention of Municipality of Trento with reference to the flyer that appeared in the letter boxes or on the doors of the condominiums of the homes in the area Christ the King. A branded message Committee No Table.

The Province and the Municipality – writes the No Tav Committee – have announced that the reclamation activities of the Lavisotto stream will begin at the end of June. During the cleanup carried out further upstream towards the Lidl and the Burger King, There have been many reports from citizens who have found violations of the safety regulations for the containment of airborne poisons. On several occasions the smell of hydrocarbons was perceived as intolerable. We are talking about industrial poisons from Carbonchimica and Sloi, already cost the lives and health of hundreds of people in the past decades for this reason, in conjunction with the start of the works, it was announced that the primary schoolThe little Princewill be closed out of caution. We demand that maximum precautions be taken for children and adults residing in the neighborhood. Let us refuse to be exposed to dangerous emissions and foul smells“.

No worries and alarms returned to the sender by Palazzo Geremia. From the July 1stspecifies the Municipality of Trento, two sections of the Little Prince of Cristo Re nursery school will move to Povo, in the Maria Chiara Conotter nursery school. The children will be accompanied to the new location with a transport service, which will guarantee their return home in the afternoon.

“The transfer, communicated at the time by the Province to all families, is due to more reasons“, adds the municipal administration. “First of all, to the proximity to the construction site of the Pandi Bear Nest whichinvolving movement of materials and vehicles, makes the outdoor spaces of the Little Prince Nursery School less livable in a period where children spend most of their time in the garden.”

In secondly the Municipality “has the need to carry out some maintenance works inside the school: in particular, the installation of the long-awaited air conditioning system has been contracted out by the Building Management service”.

Finally the transfer was arranged for entirely prudential reasons“in the event that the garden needs to be reclaimed. As will be remembered, last year, as part of the reconstruction works of the Pandi Bear Nest, the land around the building – including that of the adjacent Little Prince school – had been subjected to analysis. Of all the various samples taken from the first 30 centimeters of soil in the garden of both buildings, only one had detected the presence of light hydrocarbons“.

On the indication of the Health Authority, “the area near the contaminated point was immediately delimited by a fence and subjected to new analyzes in consultation with Appa”, continues the Municipality of Trento. “The outcome of the investigations confirmed the hypothesis formulated by the technicians from the first hour, that the small contamination of the so-called top soil was attributable to a single punctual and accidental spill of light hydrocarbons”.

As required by law, “to ensure maximum safety for children and school staff, the investigations did not stop. The Municipality, under the supervision of Appa, has in fact started the characterization of the subsoil and in recent months has carried out various core sampling in order to develop the risk analysis’specific site‘ whose results will be available shortly. In the event that the results of these further investigations show the need for remediation, the intervention can be carried out during the summer as the school will already be empty. Finally, it should be noted that the transfer of the children has nothing to do with the ongoing reclamation of the Rio Lavisotto, managed by the Province, nor with health alarms which are completely non-existent“, concludes the Municipality of Trento.

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