Mattei Plan, the Brescia system available for the “Algeria Mission”

The appeal of the Fratelli d’Italia deputy is starting to gather support Giangiacomo Calovini for a mission of Brescia entrepreneurs in Algeria as part of the Mattei Plan for Africa, appeal launched in the Giornale di Brescia last week after a three-day diplomatic trip to the North African country. On that occasion, Calovini and the other members of the Foreign Affairs Commission delegation also met the Italian companies that already operate in Algeria, a country that is among the nine that are already participating in pilot projects of the Mattei Plan. The Brescian parliamentarian, rapporteur in the Chamber of the bill on the plan named after the founder of Eni, thus had the idea of ​​throwing a bridge between Brescia and Algiers: recipients of the appeal, the trade associations of our area, invited to a trip in the autumn to explore possible investment opportunities.

Investment areas

In the center Calovini with the Italian delegation in Algeria – ©

A mission about which there is nothing official yet, but which is starting to gather interest. Calovini considers three investment areas worthy of attention in Algeria: agriculture, infrastructure and training. As for the first, Coldiretti Brescia does not go into the merits of the Algerian trip but looks favorably on the program for Africa: «As far as the Mattei Plan is concerned, we are absolutely in favor – the comment of the provincial president Laura Facchetti -. It is a question of national level, but Brescia is certainly available to give the possible help given how far ahead we are in terms of technology and sustainability. Even some of our entrepreneurs are available to carry forward a discussion related to the Plan».

Also in favor Confagricoltura Brescia: «It is a great opportunity – says President Giovanni Garbelli -. On our part, there is a willingness to address these issues». And on Algeria he says he is ready: «It could be the first of a series of opportunities. If the first mission is in Algeria, we will certainly participate to understand if there could be opportunities for our territory.” For agriculture the challenge indicated by Calovini was to bring «the Brescia know-how» to innovate a predominantly desert territory.

Infrastructure and training

On the infrastructure side, it would be a matter for companies to insert themselves into a context in which “there is a need for bridges, highways, construction, steel and raw materials”. Confindustriainformed of the proposal, prefers not to comment for the moment, since Confapi Brescia however, there is a favorable opinion: «We have already opened a direct conversation with the Honorable Calovini to understand what the opportunities are», explains President Pierluigi Cordua.

There is also interest in the training sector: «If you intend to train people to include them in the business system or send them back to their country with skills to act as a bridgehead for the development of entrepreneurial activities in the area, these are positive initiatives».

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