The students of Food Farm 4.0 for the new oncology center

The students of Food Farm 4.0 for the new oncology center
The students of Food Farm 4.0 for the new oncology center

8,649 jars of special edition “Bontà di Parma” brand compotes and sauces were sold from April to June in the Esselunga supermarkets in Parma and Paladini Otello, at Camst points, by the students themselves and by a network of volunteers, which added another big brick to support the Parma Oncology Center.

The fruit compotes and “Bontà di Parma” sauces were produced by the students of Food Farm 4.0, the “company-laboratory” involving six schools in Parma, led by the Galilei-Bocchialini Agroindustrial Centre of Parma, supported by teachers Giovanna Imperiale and Marilena Bersellini, by the headmistress of the “Galilei-Bocchialini” Anna Rita Sicuri, by the Food Farm Consortium with vice-president Giovanni Pellegri and by companies in the sector in our area who have chosen to support the initiative such as Cal (Agro-Food Centre), Mutti, FEPA Ferretti Packaging. Other companies or organizations have instead activated purchasing groups among their employees or purchased “Bontà di Parma” products to give as gifts to employees and suppliers (Asd Spirito Tarsogno, Limagrain Italia SpA, Corte Parma Alimentare, La Bottega del Coduro, Piccinini Autotrasporti, Casappa, Poliambulatorio Dalla Rosa Prati, Ferrarini Silvestro, Stern-Energy, Municipality of San Secondo, A Due di Squeri Donato, Lactalis).

While the mayors of San Secondo Giulia Zucchi – present at the donation together with the Municipality of Parma represented by Antonio Nouvenne – and of Roccabianca Alessandro Gattara supported the commitment of the young students in the stalls that they set up at the events in the area.

Many volunteers of “Insieme con te” have also activated local purchasing groups (including The Angels Valparma ODV in Lesignano and Barbara c/o Barbara e Lucia Parrucchiere in Monticelli), which have allowed the distribution network to be strengthened in the province as well.

Together they achieved an ambitious goal: the proceeds of 17 thousand euros will complete the financing for the project chosen by the students at the surgical clinic of the Oncology Center of Parma.

“I really appreciate the theme chosen by the students for this campaign: trust and tomorrow,” said Nunziata D’Abbiero, director of the Onco-Hematological Department of the Parma University Hospital Trust. “And it is a theme that the Maggiore Hospital in Parma has believed in for a long time: creating a network of services, professionals, resources to ‘cultivate’ and grow a healthcare system that is close to the needs of each patient.” Thanks also came from the director of the Maggiore’s Medical Oncology, Marcello Tiseo, who reiterated how supporting the setting up of a surgical clinic in the future Center “will allow us to manage the patient within the facility without having to send him or her for certain procedures such as needle aspiration, biopsies, and positioning of venous access in other departments.”

“This project promoted for the fourth consecutive year was a commendable initiative for the students, highlighting two important aspects: teaching and social and solidarity responsibility – declared Giovanna Imperiale, teacher and coordinator of the project. – This underlines how young people today are attentive to the dynamics of the territory and above all their desire to act for a common purpose. I am very satisfied with the result achieved and with having coordinated this initiative.”

Thanks are due to the many protagonists of this adventure: “To the manager of the Galilei Bocchialini agro-industrial hub Anna Rita Sicuri for her full collaboration – added Giovanna Imperiale – to Professor Marilena Bersellini who supported me in the project, to the Food Farm staff with the professors Terzi, Di Bella and Molinari. I thank Giovanni Pellegri of the Parma Union of Industrialists for promoting the project again and concretely helping the school to be able to carry it out, the 3C class Agrarian Address Itis San Secondo Parmense the true protagonists of the project to whom we taught a fine example of synergy and solidarity and finally a big thank you to the hospital staff and all the volunteers in the area”.

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