Young trainee marshals arrive in Rimini

Young trainee marshals arrive in Rimini
Young trainee marshals arrive in Rimini

The young soldiers, who have just worn the rank of Marshal, arrived in the capital of Rimini to carry out a period of practical training, until mid-August 2024, at the Carabinieri Stations of Rimini Principale, Rimini Miramare, Rimini Porto, Viserba, Bellaria – Igea Marina and Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna.

For the Station Commanders, they constitute a valid support, suitable for integrating the prevention and control devices of the territory, even more so in a period particularly rich in events for the Rimini area. For trainees, the experience proves to be a stimulating opportunity to perfect the theoretical notions learned in previous years of training.

Upon their arrival, the Student Marshals, accompanied by their respective Station Commanders, were received at the Provincial Command of Rimini for a brief greeting by Col. Ruggero Rugge. On this occasion, the Company Commander also urged the young Carabinieri to take advantage of the period of practical training, taking into account the delicate task that they will be called to carry out, once they have completed the 12th three-year Course at the Marescialli School of Florence.

From the second half of August, an equal number of additional military personnel are expected to arrive to allow for the continuation of the strengthening of the presence of the force in the province until the end of the Summer Station.

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