«340 more teachers in Puglia with Agenda Sud»

With Southern Agenda the Meloni government has allocated 14.5 million euros for the schools of province of Bari. The Minister of Education said this, Giuseppe Valditarameeting the centre-right mayoral candidate Fabio Romitoon the ballot for the municipal elections in the Apulian capital.

“We have increased the allocation for a total of 139 schools with 33 additional teachers and 379 additional units of ATA staff”, he stated, underlining that “the Summer plan it financed 121 schools for 7.3 million. For the green laboratories 6 million allocated for the province of Bari for 25 laboratories. The teaching staff for the Puglia Region for 2024-2025 with Southern Agenda it grew by 340 places. We financed the ITS with 55 million euros.”

Valditara underlined that «for the first time we have invested in Southern Italy, in Puglia, in Bari and in the province of Bari truly enormous resources, never before allocated, with a project, that of the Southern agenda, which wants to bring Italy together, to give all Italian children, wherever they live, the same educational opportunities”.

Talking about thedifferentiated autonomyValditara invited voters not to pay attention to propaganda, it’s time to clarify: the Leps will always remain at the head of the State and will be equal throughout Italyif you remember who tells colossal lies today”, he concluded.

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