«In three years we will build the new face of the city»

«In three years we will build the new face of the city»
«In three years we will build the new face of the city»

A new one soon campus in Bagnoliplus the redevelopment of Via Diocleziano and the Sports Park by 1925: the rebirth of the western area is near, and fits into the framework of the turning point for Naples. On an economic level, with the growth of companies made in the South.

On a cultural level, with the rediscovery of the love for the city and its tourist boom. And at an infrastructural level, thanks to government funding and the Manfredi administration’s commitment to urban regeneration projects. Historic and impressive works are underway, which will positively change the face of the Neapolitan capital, making it to all intents and purposes what it already is: a Mediterranean capital in every respect. It is the body of Naples that changes and regenerates.

A process “that will lead, within three years, to the new Naples”. This expression is used by the deputy mayor, Laura Lietowho is also the councilor for urban planning of St. James Palace. There are so many redevelopment projects on which she is involved that she keeps her agenda “always at hand”. And it is she who explains to Il Mattino the data and dates of another agenda, that of the next appointments on the horizon.

Deputy Mayor, let’s start from Bagnoli. What is the timetable for the relaunch?
«As the Department of Urban Planning, we have constant dialogue with the commissioner structure. After the city council vote, we are proceeding with the revision of the master plan. We are now in the home stretch for the program agreement on line 6: an infrastructure project, followed by Hitachi, of utmost importance for the western area. The Campagna station It will house the metro depot, and will be essential for its entry into service. The mayor is about to sign the program agreement on this too. Immediately after, the measure will be passed to the city council. Work will begin in ’25”.

Staying on Bagnoli, are there any other news on the horizon?
«Yes. Among others, the construction of the Parthenope University campus, between via Campegna and via Diocleziano. To host it, all the pavilions of the former Military Arsenal will be recovered. Parthenope has obtained Pnrr funding, and I believe that it will be possible to start soon, after the vote in the council. Also on Bagnoli, within the scope of line 6, an urban regeneration project is included in the properties of the Ferrovie dello Stato along via Diocleziano. For the rest, as is known, the reclamation has been entrusted and is already largely underway. Above all, that of the Sports Park, which will be complete by mid-2025».

So when will the park open?
«By the end of 2025, barring any problems, the western area will have its sports citadel».

Let’s talk about Scampia, already partly regenerated by the opening of the Federico II. When will the construction sites begin?
“Construction of the first building on the free area of ​​Lotto M will begin next week. We are then completing the executive design of the other 4 buildings, whose work will begin in the fall. In the meantime, still in Scampia, the cleaning of the Vela Celeste is continuing, almost finished. The Vela Celeste is the only one that will remain standing.”

And when are the demolitions of the other two sails scheduled?
“The Yellow Sail will be demolished in the winter of 2025. The other, instead, will have to be demolished by 2026, but we don’t have a precise date yet. All of this, of course, is part of the great 152 million plan for Scampia. We will give back to the inhabitants a renovated neighborhood, in terms of decorum and livability.”

From the North we move to the East. “Livability and decorum”: the objective is similar also for San Giovanni a Teduccio. What are the next appointments for the regeneration of Taverna del Ferro there?
“The investment in Taverna del Ferro is 106 million. As is known, Cobar, which is in charge of the work, has obtained a stay, which came after the ban a month ago. In practice, the company is able to resume work. Next week they will be fully operational. The new constructions will start in September, the summer will be used for demolitions and preparing the land. In the next few days, around mid-July, another excavation will begin: I am talking about the construction site for the new eco-neighborhood on Via Isidoro Fortes in Ponticelli. By 2026, everything will be finished.”

We are in the seventh year of the Apple Academy, in East Naples. How much is it benefiting the area?
“We pushed hard on that model, because it shows the role that the university can have in the regeneration of the city. That settlement maintains a very high level of training and of companies that invest in research. The challenge now is to create suitable spaces for the new population and for the new identity of San Giovanni. A few steps from Apple, with this in mind, we are carrying out a reclamation project in the Corradini area. The goal is to make the site attractive for digital transformation, so as to attract projects and investors. The abandonment of the sea of ​​East Naples, at the moment, clashes with the new “tech” identity of the neighborhood. We want to put an end to this contradiction.”

Finally, what is the framework for Palazzo Fuga?
«There was a suspension of the construction site, for the same reasons that stopped Taverna del Ferro. It’s all resolved and we’ll be back to work shortly. The construction site is progressing very well: there is a large investment here in terms of workforce, with several hundred workers. The investment in the Albergo dei Poveri is approximately 149 million, including 15 million for price adjustments. The completion of the works is confirmed by the end of 2026. There was the possibility, with a law decree, to reschedule the works until 2028. For now we have not done so. As with all Pnrr matches, we are making every effort to stay on schedule.”


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