Sunset at midnight, the podcast that tells the story of the Viareggio massacre fifteen years ago

Sunset at midnight, the podcast that tells the story of the Viareggio massacre fifteen years ago
Sunset at midnight, the podcast that tells the story of the Viareggio massacre fifteen years ago

Just before midnight June 29, 2009fifteen years ago, a freight train loaded with LPG derailed from the tracks Viareggio station. In one of the fourteen carriages a gash opens, from which gas violently escapes. Next to the station there are houses, people are in bed or about to go to sleep. Someone notices, awakened by the noise of the derailed train or alarmed by the smell of gas. Suddenly the sky of Viareggio turns red, several explosions are triggered which transform everything into a fiery inferno.
Thirty-two people diesome immediately, most after a slow and very long agony.

Sunset at midnight” recounts a recent news story but, incredibly, already almost forgotten. A reportage that unfolds through the voices of those who survived, of those who lost loved ones, of journalists, magistrates and eyewitnesses.

The podcastwith the narrating voice of the journalist Giovanni Savarese, also retraces the judicial story, in search of “truth and justice”, together with the association of the victims’ relatives “Il mondo che massimo Onlus”, taking a look at the issues of railway safety.
The podcast series “Sunset at midnight”Of Paolo Buzzone And Giovanni Savarese, is available for free on major podcast platforms starting May 29, 2024. It’s a production Audio Tales.

June 18, 2024


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