In Trentino wine rhymes with sustainability. The second balance sheet was presented by the Trentino Wine Consortium

TRENTO – The Trentino Wine Consortium, in the fascinating Muse headquarters in Trento, presented the great work that has brought together winemakers, institutions and technical services of the Autonomous Province.

The Trentino vineyard is a puzzle of industrious micro-companies that have an average surface area of ​​1.60ha. If we consider that the provincial vineyard area is equal to 10,299 hectares, we understand how a jagged microcosm determines the wine economy. 13% of the vineyard area is certified organic while 80% is certified by the National Integrated Protection Quality System. In total there are 5457 SNQP certified companies.

The priority themes for this 2023 Budget focused on the fundamental themes of creating added value for companies and protected denominations, strengthening the identity of the image of Trentino viticulture, guaranteeing quality and safety of production, monitoring and reducing the use of pesticides in the vineyard, contain and rationalize the use of water resources, communicate the value of Trentino wine, train to innovate the wine supply chain and improve resilience towards ongoing climate change.

For the 2030 agenda, the Consortium, with the Sustainability Report, has developed the candidacy and public funding actions in favor of the Members to achieve the sustainability objectives, finance a research doctorate relating to the golden flavescence of life in collaboration with the Foundation E.Mach and activate monitoring of bee populations in Trentino vineyards to evaluate the influence on the biodiversity of the vineyard ecosystem.

The 2023 Sustainability Report highlights the progress of Trentino viticulture and its business system, with regards to the results achieved in the various fundamental segments that define the protection of our ecosystem. First of all the adoption of sexual confusion for the control of moths on 100% of the SNQPI certified Trentino vineyards and the strong reduction of chemical herbicides.

Subsequently, the ability of the Trentino system to contain water consumption must be highlighted, thanks to increasingly rational irrigation techniques which cover 5.70% of the vineyard surface with sprinkling or flowing, 76.97% with dripping and 17.50% with dripping. Finally, the slight decrease in the value of methane for energy use in favor of electricity from the grid and, perhaps the element on which we will have to work most in the future, values ​​that are still too low deriving from other renewable energy sources.

On the other hand, great recovery capacity in terms of agricultural waste which reaches 94% in 2022 and which remains stable in subsequent years. As regards the strategic part of the certifications and consumer protection and guarantee, the Consortium, on 780,000hl of SNQPI, IFR, BRC, EQUALITAS certified wine, and almost 13,000hl of ORGANIC wine, in the 2021/2022 vintage, has documented 100% of SQNPI winemakers, analyzed over 400 grape samples annually and over 70 supervisory checks on bottling companies.

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