Premiership and Autonomy: thus the prime minister becomes stronger, Italy weaker

Premiership and Autonomy: thus the prime minister becomes stronger, Italy weaker
Premiership and Autonomy: thus the prime minister becomes stronger, Italy weaker

Italy is not in good hands. To respond to party interests, the right wanted to rush through two laws that were harmful to Italy. The premiership affects the role of the President of the Republic, the referee of the game. He strikes him because with the direct election he gives a lot of power to the Premier, that is to a party, to a player, who thus becomes stronger than the referee. An absolute anomaly. And then the differentiated autonomy that divides Italy. We are 60 million, to compete with countries of 1.5 billion people we should be even more cohesive. A united, simpler and more just Italy can guarantee us, within the European framework, a better future and allow us to play a role in the world. Twenty Regions divided no. On the contrary, they will create weakness and injustice. This reform process is the product of mutual blackmail between the three majority parties: Justice for Forza Italia, Split Italy for the League and Giorgia Meloni’s party for the law on the premiership. No vision for the future but enormous costs for the country. The truth is that the right wants to overcome the Republic founded in 1948.

The objective is to call into question the achievements and values ​​of equal rights. In effect, the clock is turned back 100 years. The Constitution is clear: all citizens have the same social rights and the Republic removes obstacles that prevent the fulfillment of the person. These objectives have often been disregarded, of course, but the right is now attacking the very principle of equality and in this way well-being and rights depend on where you were born, what family you come from, whether you are a man or a woman. In Parliament, the united opposition fought and now we will continue to do so together in the country to defend Italy. The construction of the alternative can start from here: defending and implementing the Constitution which, as Piero Calamandrei told young people in 1955, is “a program to be implemented”. Yesterday’s square that pushed for unity needs a common soul. Go on.

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