Caltanissetta. Need for archaeological surveillance in Largo Barile – Il Fatto Nisseno

CALTANISSETTA. We receive and publish a report from Armando Turturici regarding the need for archaeological surveillance of Largo Barile in Caltanissetta following recent archaeological discoveries in this area.

“The urban redevelopment project currently underway in Largo Barile, in the heart of the historic center of Caltanissetta, has brought to light significant archaeological discoveries.

During the work on May 31st, three ancient ceramic fragments were found – of a plate and a bowl – decorated with blue and one of which is characterized by a wavy edge. However, despite several reports, the lack of adequate archaeological surveillance in the field to avoid irreparable damage to the stratigraphy of the finds is of great concern.

The lack of professional archaeologists during excavation operations poses serious risks to the integrity of the site. The use of mechanical means could compromise the stratigraphy of the land and destroy finds that could provide crucial information on the history and evolution of the city.

Each layer of the soil may contain material evidence from different historical eras, and it is essential that these are documented and analyzed using rigorous scientific methods.

In light of the discoveries made and the historical importance of the area, the immediate implementation of preventive archaeological surveillance is necessary. We believe it is essential that the Municipality of Caltanissetta, in collaboration with the Superintendency of Cultural Heritage, provides for the constant presence of archaeological technicians during all phases of the redevelopment works. Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee the protection of the finds and their correct cataloging and study.

We urgently ask the competent authorities to intervene – if it has not already been done – to ensure that continuous archaeological surveillance is carried out in Largo Barile. The protection of our historical and cultural heritage cannot be overlooked, and every discovery must be treated with the utmost respect and professionalism. The history of Caltanissetta is a heritage of inestimable value, and as such must be preserved for future generations. I thank Dr. Simona Modeo for the report and the information provided to me”.

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