“Many things in common with Salis”. But Vannacci freezes the journalist like this

“Many things in common with Salis”. But Vannacci freezes the journalist like this
“Many things in common with Salis”. But Vannacci freezes the journalist like this

From battlefields to political arguments in television living rooms. The general Roberto Vannacci he loses his hair but not his habit and responds blow for blow to the provocations of progressive journalists. The theater of battle is the study of White Zonethe program hosted by Giuseppe Brindisi on Rete 4. The object, needless to say, is the eternal long-distance challenge with Ilaria Salisalso a new MEP after her election with Avs.

Pressed by the biting questions of Mirella Serrijournalist from The printthe soldier does not hold back and challenges both the signature of the Turin newspaper and the entire opposing studio. “She Vannacci has a judicial proceeding, so you may have many things in common with Salis”, begins the pen of the Press by harshly attacking the soldier. He annoys Vannacci’s reply who doesn’t wait long and goes on the counterattack: “I remind Serri of the difference between a suspect and a woman multiple condemned…”. “Certainly – continues the Northern League MEP – we don’t have a criminal record in common with her”.

A reply that is difficult to dispute. The teacher’s “curriculum”, on the other hand, is clear: the new Avs member has two definitive convictions. The first, which has been much discussed, is for the crime of invasion of public buildings. The second, equally certified, for resistance to a public official, on the occasion of the clashes in November 2014 involving his collective against the police to prevent the eviction of the accommodation in Corvetto. Two sentences that play in favor of the arguments brought to the table by Vannacci.

But the journalist continues and accuses the general of being too justicial. From here the general loses his temper and responds. First about the method: “Why does he always interrupt me? – he starts – Be a polite person, be polite, lady”. Then directly on the merits of his procedure: “In my case – explains the general – the prosecutor had asked to dismiss it, the judge decided not to accept it and on 25 September we will discuss this judicial case in the appropriate places, I have no problem, this is what justice requires“.

The general’s words refer to the accusation of incitement to racial hatred: the investigating judge of the military court of Rome rejected the prosecutor’s request to dismiss Vannacci, who was under investigation for some sentences contained in his book “The world upside down”.

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