Vannucchi: «Davide Nicola at Cagliari? I’ll tell you what I think.”

Vannucchi: «Davide Nicola at Cagliari? I’ll tell you what I think.”
Vannucchi: «Davide Nicola at Cagliari? I’ll tell you what I think.”

Igli Vannucchi, former Empoli player, has released statements on the possible new Cagliari coach Davide Nicola

Today The Vannucchi gave a long interview for the portal news.superbetting. The former Empoli player expressed his opinion on the possible new coach of Cagliarior the former technical guide of the Tuscans Davide Nicola. His words:

DAVIDE NICOLA AT CAGLIARI – «Davide Nicola has a football philosophy that combines determination with practicality. He has a great measure of responsibility and has always done his job putting his heart into it. He is a profile that fully embodies the values ​​of Cagliari who experienced an incredible year thanks to Claudio Ranieri, with the latter who will remain forever in the history of this club. It’s a wonderful challenge for the former Empoli player and he deserves it entirely, also because he will be able to show his value starting from the first day of the championship, reversing that trend which has always seen him as a coach who only manages to win by taking over during the season. work and in complicated conditions. I hope that he will be able to obtain the same satisfactions as his predecessor.”.

FORMER, EUSEBIO DI FRANCESCO – «»It’s true that Di Francesco comes from an experience with Frosinone which ended in a traumatic manner but he remains a serious and highly professional person; he loves his job and always puts a lot of determination into it. It is no coincidence that the club chose his profile among various names, it will be an opportunity for great redemption for him too. He will find a team with which he can work well, as well as an ideal environment to express himself to the fullest. I felt lucky to have had a wonderful experience wearing the Venezia shirt.

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