The Saint-Pierre City Council convened, but the minority will be absent in protest

The Saint-Pierre City Council convened, but the minority will be absent in protest
The Saint-Pierre City Council convened, but the minority will be absent in protest

The Saint-Pierre Riparte group contests the “obstructionist” attitude of the majority

The Saint-Pierre municipal council is convened today at 6 pm. The agenda includes eight points including the modification to the Real Estate Sales and Development Plan, the third budget variation, the agreement with the Unité Grand Paradis for the associated exercise of municipal functions and services and an agreement with the The Artzon association.

On the eve of the meeting the councilors of the minority group “Saint-Pierre Riparte” announce that they will not participate in the session. «It is institutionally very incorrect – say the group leader Alessandro Mascaro, Sonia Faccin and Fabio Juglair – the continuation of an obstructionist attitude of the majority which refuses to agree with the scheduling of the dates of the council meetings. This prevents effective inspection and control by minority councillors, carried out with a sense of responsibility and great personal commitment (perhaps it is precisely for this reason that it is poorly tolerated by the majority)”.

«For this purpose, with the aforementioned absence – the three continue -, the intention is to avoid taking away from the municipal coffers the money for attendance fees which would have been legitimately due, in the opinion of the writers, unfairly. In fact, it is not believed that presence on the Council should be limited to mere participation to “warm up the seat” but should always be characterized by the possibility of exercising one’s role effectively and responsibly”.

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