Autonomy, clash in the majority. Forza Italia slows down

Autonomy, clash in the majority. Forza Italia slows down
Autonomy, clash in the majority. Forza Italia slows down

Differentiated autonomy: it is conflict in the majority; Forza Italia slows down: «First the process of identifying the Leps must be started, only then will we discuss granting greater autonomy to the territories»

Spacca-Italia opens a crack in the majority. On the eve of the vote in the Chamber, Forza Italia distances itself and poses a challenge that sends the Northern League into fibrillation ready for the celebrations: «The debate on the autonomy it was carried out with great force by the League, which then made a bill and brought it into discussion – this is the reasoning of the Azzurri – FI profoundly modified it with the much debated issue of the Lep: therefore, before speaking of any hypothesis of devolution or autonomy of powers to the Regions, it is necessary to define essential levels of performance which must apply to everyone, from Bolzano to Messina, and finance them”.

It is not Elly Schlein who speaks like this, but Raffaele Nevi, FI’s national spokesperson and deputy group leader of the Azzurri deputies. And he doesn’t end there. On other outstanding issues, the Azzurri seem intent on doing battle. Which means putting into practice that “we will be vigilant” announced by Antonio Tajani the day after the bill was approved in the Senate.


The FI statement continues: «Occhiuto (Roberto, president of the Calabria Region, ed.) raises the issue of non-Lep matters, which objectively is residual compared to the entire proposal, but we are addressing it with Minister Calderoli, who was very attentive to the requests brought forward by Forza Italia”.

It is no secret, in fact, that Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region, is ready to immediately request autonomy for 9 subjects considered non-leppable. A questionable concept, given that we are talking about regulation, for example the regulation of professions, justices of the peace or civil protection, matters which still involve the management of important resources and directly affect the quality of life of citizens.
«We will present binding agendas, because they are issues that concern the implementation of the law – continues the statement from the Azzurri – This is a reform that will not produce any effect. First the process of identifying the essential levels of performance must be started, and only at that point will it be possible to begin discussing the granting of greater autonomy to the territories that request it, and then in any case the national Parliament will always decide”.

Willing, therefore, to grant but without any blank delegation. Forza Italia is not willing to make discounts, and knows that if it does not give in to Northern League pressure it will have everything to gain.


A very different position, although always coming from the moderate front, is that of the UDC senator, Antonio De Poli, for whom «the differences between the territories, from North to South, are a reality: the southern and northern questions are two sides of the same coin: they must be addressed with a regionalistic approach”.
And Meloni’s party? «We know that there are different sensitivities even within the majority – comments Alessandro Urzì, FdI deputy and rapporteur of the bill – The agendas may give indications on the interpretation but will not overturn the law as a whole, on which there is certainly no lack of discussion in the Chamber and in the commission”.


If anyone had doubts about the “promotional” use that the Northern League will make of this divisive and harmful law for the country, the demonstration called by the League clears the ground. The event is already raging on social media: Friday 21st, at 7pm, in Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, in Montecchio Maggiore, a small municipality in the province of Vicenza, just under 24 thousand inhabitants, where the representative of the League will go to the ballot.

And yes, because the time when the green shirts were overflowing and the mayors were all one color is long gone. Brothers of Italy has launched a hostile takeover bid, all the strongholds have collapsed: even on Pontida the banner of San Marco no longer flies. There will be Luca Zaia, (who accuses some of his allies of “institutional stupidity”), Matteo Salvini and the regional secretary Alberto Stefano who organized the rally.

But just take a look at social media and read the comments to understand the mood: on the one hand they shout about victory, they rejoice by inviting everyone else to «prepare the maalox… or rather no… the chili pepper burns more this way …». On the other hand, those who remember when Garibaldi, on a battlefield, said “here we make Italy or die”: «Go and reread the history books and you will learn something… if autonomy passes, Italy will crumble ».
Divisive to the core, in short, this law that Giorgia Meloni is willing to swallow like a bitter cup in exchange for the Premiership, another road paved with pitfalls and pitfalls, without any certainty that we will get to the bottom.


We know that the opposition will give battle. After the Tricolor displayed in the Chamber, which aroused so much indignation, triggering the disorganized reactions of some FdI and Lega deputies, what will happen today? Schlein switched from foil to saber. Today the dems, with M5S, Avs and +Europa, will descend on Piazza Santi Apostoli, in Rome, at 6pm.

«After the physical attacks of the majority in Parliament – ​​reads the joint appeal of the organizers – we cannot accept that the country is also hostage to this climate of continuous intimidation: the Meloni government is forcing its hand and trying to undermine the democratic foundations of our Constitution, proceeding by majority strokes towards the approval of the Spacca-Italia”.

There will also be the No Committees who peacefully presided over Montecitorio last Thursday together with the members of the CGIL and who have been carrying on this battle for six years now.
The image of the Chamber of Deputies transformed into a place of violence, punches, kicks and phrases praising the X Mas with the opposition standing and singing “Bella ciao” remains in the eyes. Spacca-Italia also means this.

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