The ACLI of Avellino celebrate International Refugee Day with the screening of “Io Capitano”

The ACLI of Avellino celebrate International Refugee Day with the screening of “Io Capitano”
The ACLI of Avellino celebrate International Refugee Day with the screening of “Io Capitano”

On Thursday 20 June, in Sorbo Serpico, at SORBOLAB, the recently renovated Center for Training, aggregation and sociality, on the occasion of International Refugee Day, starting at 5.00 pm, the ACLI of Avellino promoted an afternoon of in-depth analysis and reflection on the topic of migrations, the heart of which will be the screening of the film “Io Capitano” by Matteo Garrone and the living testimony of those who have made “the journey” and of those who deal with reception and integration on a daily basis.

The initiative aims to celebrate World Refugee Day, promoted by the UN General Assembly to raise public awareness of the condition of refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons and refugees.

Over 120 million people in the world, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), leave their country due to conflicts, violations of human rights, political, ethnic and religious persecution or due to extreme climatic events, seeking asylum where they are not prevented from “the effective exercise of democratic freedoms” as written in the Constitution of our country. Although “every individual has the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution in other countries”, as stated in Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, the right to a dignified existence for all these people it is too often denied and, in fact, the majority of migrants currently live in inhuman conditions in refugee camps or prisons on the borders of Europe or excluded, isolated, due to extreme individualism, fear and prejudice.

“Even in Italy – states Clelia Melillo, curator of the event – ​​the full reception of migrants continues to be an unsolved problem; the drama of those who leave their homeland to seek a dignified life is still unknown to most Italians; We therefore entrust a space for reflection to a film of great emotional significance as well as great artistic value.”

The initiative – promoted by the ACLI and created in a network with Confcooperative, the Consorzio Percorsi, the INTRA cooperative, the Laika association, the SAI of Monteforte Irpino and Serino – aims to create a moment to think about the value of hospitality by going beyond prejudice , starting from knowledge, which cannot ignore the gaze and listening of others and needs to be born already in our small communities from which to develop a culture of encounter, which is an opportunity for inclusion and human enrichment.

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